Thank you, I do have a long-term plan. I have beat the crap out of this body., mind and spirit. What I’ve learned is, it’s all in your head. Cells can be replaced. I’ve lived through traumas that were horrific and made it out clean. All part of the experience of learning how powerful we really are. The body is designed to live longer than we realize. Every thought matters. In every situation. if you believe you’re sick, you will be sick. If you believe you can heal yourself, you can heal yourself. Research cancer and spontaneous remission. Given there’s a lot of knowledge coming out regarding supplements and chemical structures that can heal the body. But I have found that food is medicine. Mindset is medicine. It’s difficult to break free from the chains of whatever everyone else believes. Difficult Is an understatement. It’s one of the hardest test I had to experience. Going against everyone else and believing 100% that it can be done. So many test. But once you have the eyes to see the sign posts are everywhere. Makes it easier to believe how powerful we really are as humans. Letting go of fear is a big lesson to overcome.