whats the reason for keeping proof of alien life and contact classified? Wouldnt this be better open-sourced? Imma need anons to reverse engineer this shit for me with possible reasons.
Yeah I had one a few times its called mushrooms, why meditate and use earphones when you can literally eat 5 grams of mushrooms and see god for 25 bucks.
Cmon man nobody is taking veterans benefits away ever. Non-military is over here busting ass too
I dont trust the Gateway process for a few reasons. One, it was declassified, which may mean it was declassified for a reason ie for people to use it (like Tor). Two, the "Gate" in the name is similar to the GATE program which is sus. Three, anything that claims to some magical genie that fulfills any desire essentially makes them a god on earth which is satanic as fuck. I tried the Gateway process and my gut says it is creepy and suspicious.
Considering the earth gives me food, air, sunshine, beauty, etc my whole life I think it wants me to live.
What do anons think about this old 4chan post. I believe this is very accurate and remember this would be 25% of the adult population or about 60 million people. Its pretty terrifying to me tbh.
I disagree that low IQ people can't be compassionate tho, that simply isnt true. He was studying convicts which is a clear bias and if he was smart he would have noticed this bias.
Its def a celebrity focused list, a few major pols are on there