You’re just programmed to think along the terms you’ve been provided by media. Educational systems. Society. Words. When you’re thinking deeply in visualizing, do you use words? Kek. All your references are programmed and I can see all the sources you’ve gained your knowledge from by the words you chose. follow your heart listen to your heart. we have the largest frontal cortex out of all animals. A bird has wings. It’s pretty obvious what they’re supposed to do with them. Why is it so difficult for you to get your arms around that beautiful brain? We were Never given a manual on how to operate the body. Intuition and experience from the lessons of life are the best teachers . I’m sure you have some special skills. Skills You aren’t even aware of…. We all do…. The physical world is physical, but there’s a much bigger world inside that you should really looking into.
Outside dogs Live free…. Doesn’t matter what gets them….
Just remember every thought matters.
Think for yourself.