Dog comms. "Snuff" makes it too obvious to ignore. Two puppies…
Ozempic face.
>Education should be the only activity for all humans.
It's a very good idea to preserve skills. Electrically-powered machinery has its limitations. Hunting, fishing, tool-making, cordage, weaving, etc. - these are survival skills best preserved by enough humans to ensure they're not lost due to complacency.
Don't fear the Reaper, anon. There's a song about that. Maybe you'll find answers by listening, carefully, to that song.
>I live as an example to others. People are often confused just like you. But I’ve had to experience everything to know which lane to choose.
>I’m an outside dog.
Clarifying: You claim to live "outside," and advocate such a lifestyle as superior to people who value shelter, hygiene and climate control?
If you live exclusively "outside," on whose land do you live? From what sources do you obtain your food? Do you eat everything raw, or do you cook it; if you cook it, what method(s) and tools do you use? Do you carry your tools around in your bare hands?
Get real first.
Trauma survivors often have out-of-body experiences (OBE). This anon is a survivor of multiple types of trauma, physical and psychological. OBEs can allow one to obtain a perspective of a situation not obtainable while in one's body. Think viewing other players' cards at a card game, as a trivial example. More to the point, OBEs can assist with situational awareness. There are many sources from which one can learn to develop the skill to have an OBE when desired. This anon does not recommend trauma as the training source.
Double-8s digits shows truth. Itinerant handyman with great skillset is a nice lifestyle, so long as one's health is strong. Aging is the alternative to dying; one can age gracefully and maintain all abilities for many years, but one day, skin becomes thinner due to collagen loss; bones become brittle due to decreased bone-replacement capability… at some point, musculature fades (sarcopenia), etc. Perhaps not until you reach your nineties; but it will happen, if you live long enough. Itinerant lifestyle, carrying everything on your back, is a temporary lifestyle choice. This anon wishes you well and hopes you have a long-term plan.
acf2ba is just a negativity shill, posting throw-away insults. /filter.
>Please Don't tell me who I filter…
My comment was to 2cd6eo, not to you. 0d357e. Thank you for using "please" as you insinuated yourself into someone else's interaction.
Anons, what's changed? my images aren't appearing, and in the reply form, they're showing as grey.
Beware plucked eyebrows. Thin, overplucked eyebrows=crazy.
Trying again (3rd try)