Correct, 3 months at best. Also if the EU starts to send troops and supplies, once that pipeline is closed it will hit them big time in the pocket book, plus once they start receiving body bags of their own, they will backdown fast because they are not fighting for their own land. Zelinsky's best bet is to take the deal Trump gave him, because it is the only one that assures 1. His Life 2. Most of his countries territory. 3. Crimea and Donbass goes to Russia due to his failure to protect the Russian populace on his own soil. Unless somehow Ukraine can take over the entirety of Russia with what the EU gives then he can have his cake and eat it too, but that won't happen without EU/NATO full out WW3 and they won't do that without US backing. So he should take Trump's deal, tomorrow while he has a chance. Just sign the paperwork and present it, war stops within 24 hours, and that is what Trump meant by solve it in 24 hours. Follow?