Texas Independence day is a celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence. 59 Delegates signed the document in Washington on the Brazos, which is now referred to as the “birthplace of Texas,” and it made Mexican Texas into the Republic of Texas free from Mexican political influence. The Texas Declaration of Independence was based largely on the ideas of self government and natural rights from the American Declaration of Independence as well as the ideas of John Locke and other enlightenment figures.
The Declaration was in response to the Mexican Government and was issued during the Texas revolution.
The Convention President, Richard Ellis, appointed a committee to draft a declaration of Independence, and the committee chairman, George Childress, is credited with the authorship of the Texas Declaration of Independence with some help from the other committee members.
The day after the committee was created the Declaration was given to the convention to sign and over the following days 59 delegates for each of the settlements came to vote on the Declaration, and it was unanimously approved.