Why is Mary Flynn following this fake page? It is not an official DHS account.
Yeah okay Posobiec. Don’t forget to pander tomorrow and say:
I’m not a thinking man but that is spamming for profit, is it not?
Does Trump tweet every single morning “Christ is king”? No. Do people know he believes in a god? Yes. See Jack can’t even read his own book, you’re supposed to pray on your own, by yourself, not in a group.
Posobiec has nothing, and the fact you said “Poso” sounds like you personally know him or are him. You think people call Jack “poso”? Lmao Jack Bozo
The first time Jack posted Kek on Twitter was in 2020. Jack has Jack shit.
Go to Posobiecs profile and type this in this search box:
from:JackPosobiec kek since:2017-01-01 until:2022-12-31
These faggots forget I have a degree in computer networking.
In case you guys don’t know, this is Q teams way of asking me to relax a little bit.
I don’t work for anyone.
I’m just here because you need us.
At some point enough time will have passed that none of this is remembered. The earth itself, will at some point be a memory for any living thing in the universe.
The earth itself will at some point not* be a memory