Like, who didn't see it coming from a mile away?
Israel owns Epstein - Fact
a lot of the clients are Jews - Fact
Trump is on Israel's side - Fact
Israel still runs the US - Fact
What's so hard to understand?
Like, who didn't see it coming from a mile away?
Israel owns Epstein - Fact
a lot of the clients are Jews - Fact
Trump is on Israel's side - Fact
Israel still runs the US - Fact
What's so hard to understand?
you can't have any actual video because people will demand high res which they can't airbrush 100% flawlessly even with AI.
They caught a lot of heat for faking ISS video
Irrefutable Scientific Proof ISS Footage is Fraudulent
Among my favorite hoax topics is the fraudulence of the International Space Station.
Videos purporting to be from the International Space Station are absolutely not taken from orbit. This has been demonstrated without the slightest shadow of a doubt in many different ways. There are dozens of undeniable anomalies in videos without any acceptable explanation. These are conclusive to anyone who is fairly judging; the ISS footage cannot possibly be shot in a real weightless free-fall orbit environment.
With that said, I think I have discovered the most conclusive self-outing ISS video possible. The smoking gun, if you will. In this post, you will find a video of André Kuipers (pictured above) and a screw, and boy does André really screw the pooch with this screw…
For the already well-documented ISS outings, there are the many cases where the ISS actors get tangled up or pull on their invisible wire harnesses. The best examples of this are the failed space somersaults by the old astronauts, where the old farts fail spectacularly and are obviously brought back down by typical surface-Earth gravity. The ISS ought to implement age limits on their somersault demonstrations. They give away the whole charade.
Then there are actually videos where the harnesses are still visible and accidentally not cropped out! Take a peek at the GIF below. Good luck trying to justify that one, with some guy meant to look like he is hovering by in the background while wearing a full body wire harness!
Beyond this, we have the videos where men disappear before turning a corner. There are videos where objects disappear suddenly, or where ISS actors are pretending to manipulate a weightless object where we just see them doing funny motions with their hands and no actual object.
Not to mention all the women with the obviously bad hairspray job done on their hair. The list goes on and on.
The best of these videos is prepared in compilation format and found on (sigh) Flat Earth YouTube pages. Here I can link you to a YouTube search, if interested. I refuse to link or directly embed Flat Earth content. Readers, feel free to add video links in the comments below. My general point is that the ISS has already been outed. Conclusively.
With that said, there is always just the slightest amount of wiggle room left in these examples so that members of the herd can find a way to deny it. I am sure if you are a herd member and read the paragraphs above you thought:
Well, what if that harness was for something else? Well maybe the belt is just part of the uniform? Maybe the shirt is just dimpling unusually? Well maybe it was just an awkward somersault? Of course the woman’s hair would get crazy in space! This guy is a nut job!
The gymnastics we get from this sort are truly impressive. They think we are the kooks, when in truth you would have to be blind to excuse away all of these obvious, obvious cases of clear fraudulence. These videos are thorough outings. There is no possible chance the videos are being shot in a genuine weightless orbit environment. Ah, the things people will believe if an authority tells them it is so!!
With all of that said about existing outings, I just stumbled across a video which is more compelling than any I have ever seen before.
This video cannot possibly be explained away by shills and fanboys. It conclusively defies the basic laws of gravity. Since most ISS videos are heavily edited with fake weightless objects, the best debunking examples usually revolve around glitches in these computer graphics. We have to imagine that computers are making certain objects visible or invisible…it makes it hard for your average Joe to believe it. They hide behind the cognitive dissonance of not WANTING to believe it. Rarely do we have an example of an ISS actor touching a piece of the actual “set” in a way that would reveal gravity’s unencumbered effect upon that real object. I am sure they are trained to not manipulate real objects for this very reason.
Enter André Kuipers, a man who really shits the bed here. Please watch the very short clip below.
What a “screw” up! I had never seen this video before, so I do not know if it has been buried by the algorithms or what. I have done extensive research in this area before and I am stunned this video is not more popular. As of my posting here, this Vimeo video has 62 views in 10 months. A little strange if you ask me, or sad in either case.
For anyone who did not bother to watch the clip, Kuipers is explaining something about the toilet, proceeds to unscrew something, then accidentally loses control of the screw. Does the screw float or fall? Who wants to take a guess? If this is a real weightless orbit environment, this screw should be floating around. What actually happens? It drops like a stone! His attention is immediately drawn to the floor where the object has fallen.
Not only is this a completely impossible event in space or orbit, I can actually use the basic physics to prove conclusively that this must actually be occurring on the surface of planet Earth.
If you take a stopwatch from the moment he finishes unscrewing until you hear the screw hit the floor, you will get a free-fall time of about a half second. Kuipers is 5’10” and drops the screw from just below shoulder height. This means that the screw dropped somewhere around 4 feet. How long would free-fall from this height take under the force of gravity on the surface of Earth (at a gravitational acceleration of 9.81 m/s2)?
Almost precisely 0.5 seconds, the exact amount of free-fall time we witnessed in the video! This is conclusive proof that we are witnessing footage shot on the surface of the Earth.
So there you have it, folks!
This is the dream mistake that I feel we have always been looking for and lacking. The classic test of gravity, dropping an object, has been shown in ISS footage and it obliterates any notion that the footage was shot in orbit. I welcome anyone to try and explain otherwise. Such an event is not possible in orbit.
As for how NASA and the rest of the fakers create all of this footage, that is worthy of a whole post. They have fancy virtual reality contact lenses that allow the astronaut actors to seem like they are manipulating weightless objects (like a weightless microphone). They love to spin and twirl these objects for maximum effect. In one video, when a woman starts to get tangled in her wires, another astronaut quickly pulls out a fake weightless baseball and starts spinning it as if to say “look over here!”. It is comical stuff.
Beyond the virtual objects, we get a mixture of plain old CGI and Photoshop-type tricks, with an occasional video shot in the swimming pool (for space walks) or the parabolic vomit airplane. Speaking of the parabolic airplane, check out the video below.
In it, American astronaut Karen Nyberg tries to convince us that this is actually how she washes her hair on the ISS. What stands out to me? This 160 seconds worth of footage has at least 14 distinct cuts in it, for an average shot length of 11.4 seconds…and don’t forget about the dulled sound of what definitely seems like jet engines in the background.
Gee, 11.4 seconds per shot…and no shot longer than 20 seconds! Let’s match that with the chart above. Outed. The hair washing video was shot in an ISS mock-up airplane, flying the route seen in the chart over and over.
I am sure they have methods I have not even dreamed of, and these are only the obvious cases where we can clearly tell that they are using certain methods. On the full ISS “tour” videos, these are no doubt created in a manner similar to a Hollywood film.
Please do not think that this post means that I am convinced by any one specific type of space fakery theory. Certainly not Flat Earth, and I subscribe to no overarching explanation or conspiracy here. Space fakery is an area of great obfuscation, and all I can really say with certainty is that the ISS footage is not shot in weightless orbit. There is too much misdirection for me to get much farther than that with the logic…no doubt, that is by design.
For the record, I lean towards a more simple explanation that space travel with our rudimentary Earth-based rocket technology would be completely cost prohibitive and suicidal. We would require another major leap forward in technology to make space-based technology like the ISS logical and cost effective. With rocket-based technology, the ISS would have never been possible to assemble, let alone maintain for dozens of years.
The charade continues to this day for two basic reasons. First, NASA is too juicy of a revenue sucker off of the Federal budget for all kinds of other secretive programs. Second, it is a lie they has been deemed too embarrassing to admit to the public. They have deemed it preferable to keep up the charade. The moon landing and space travel is part of our mythology now, and they cannot take that away…especially if it is bringing them multi-billion dollar budgets each year!
The lie continues around the world for similar reasons…a country like Russia is also too invested in the lie. For a new country like China, they figure that if the US and Russia are going to claim to be capable of this crap, they had better claim to be capable of it as well. It is a sort of arms race of fakery and stupidity. Then if China is going to do it, India wants to claim to be able to do it. Stupidity on top of hubris.
That’s all, folks!
PS: To the shills who will claim that nothing fell in the Kuipers video, see below. An object is removed, we hear it hit the floor, and Kuipers looks immediately down.
Maarten Rossaert says
Question: Would you entertain the idea that a video like this is released “accidentally on purpose”? In other words, they know this is a complete give-away, and they put it out their to mess with our minds.
Any photo or video I see anymore I ask myself the question, “How is it that I am seeing this?” For example, the post-Sandy Hook footage of Gene Rosen rehearsing his lines. The person filming that HAD to be in on the hoax. And so the release of that footage to the public was absolutely part of the bigger ploy. Ditto for Boston bombing wheelchair guy, etc.
In other words, could it be that the goal here is not really to convince us there are ISS-nauts as it is to give us one more thing to argue about endlessly and so be distracted from the bigger picture?
Fauxlex says:
I have definitely considered that they might just be trolling us. If your organization’s entire existence is based on such extensive levels of fakery, trolling is something that would come very naturally to you.
The bastards might just be laughing on set and saying, “Hey Andre, do one where you pretend to drop something and it isn’t weightless!”
With that said, it is hard to decide between an explanation of laziness, trolling, or an intentional reveal. They might just be lazy in relying upon the virtual reality technology programs to make everything look weightless, so the guy shooting the footage is just trying to get the astronaut speaking his lines and be done with it. They release it to Dutch foreign-language site, with far less scrutiny than a typical video. Laziness is hard to eliminate.
This is why I mentioned that I find it very hard to ever draw any conclusions beyond that the footage is NOT shot in orbit. It is next to impossible to deduce their intentions, but you are absolutely right. They may just be trolling us here.
>ya forget one undeniable FACT…
>anyone with a backyard telescope can see the ISS in orbit as it passes overhead
>go back to YT with yer retarded flat earth larp
Then your question should be, if they have something in space why are they faking the video, instead of assuming just because something is floating in space, their fake video is now real.
You're too fucking dumb to reply, fuck off.
>Why are we taught to ask Jesus to save us?
When you're waiting for a savior you become more passive and submissive. Imagine if they wrote it in a way that says "You're on your own, it's up to you to fight back"
Jesus Myth Exposed: Collapsing a Modern Fairytale
27:29 The earliest church fathers did not Know Paul. The author who we call Paul didn't know the gospel story, he was promoting a concept, christ, a christian concept.
37:43 The Church of Rome has had almost 2000 years to forge these passages and they always get caught, just as they did with the Donation of the Constantine text, proven now to be a forgery.
Instead of citing the Greek septuagint text which would have lent credibility to the forged document, these morons in the Vatican turn around and cited the Latin Vulgate, the Latin Vulgate did not exist when Constantine died, there's no way the Donation of Constantine could have been a legitimate text if it didn't cite Biblical verses. The Latin Vulgate didn't even come around for another 150 years. Terrible mistake, they had to eat crow on that one.
5:13 "Scholars in the 17th 18th and 19th century had already put all of these things together.
Even the church fathers who laid out the Christian doctrines from the beginning almost all uniformly recanted Christianity. This is something you won't hear in sermons; there are many things you won't hear about the early church fathers, their documents, the councils, manipulations, and the murders of those who knew the truth. People were killed because they knew the texts were being invented.
I am going to present you with hardcore facts that can all be verified.
It depends on the level of comfort you maintain to sustain this internal faith. When you attach your faith to an unknown, that's your choice.
'''But when faced with irrefutable data that you can't dismiss, yet you still choose to believe what you want, you're not acting intelligently or logically.
You're essentially telling the world that you are programmable.'''
This suggests that it doesn't matter where or when you were born; you would have fallen for the prevailing paradigm at the time and place of your upbringing because you lack critical thinking skills.
Faith, by its very nature, discourages questioning authority.
This is precisely how Rome managed to seize control of Europe's sociopolitical reins through religion."