Enough of this faggotry already.
Channel your inner autist not your inner faggot.
Why does almost every ancient culture on Earth have dragon mythologies?
If we are the news, why has QResearch become little more than an MSM news aggregator?
>i think the dinosaur bones were really remnants of the dragons
Anon has often wondered if some survived until the dawn of humankind and the tales were passed down from generation to generation, but as with Chinese whispers, the stories slowly grew over time.
Thus BO not only wants but demands bloatables and repeatables.
How are dragons, drakes, wyverns and wyrms different?
In the simplest sense, these beasts are distinguished through their wings, limbs, and legs. Dragons often have an extra pair of legs than wyverns. Wyrms are often entirely limbless. Read on to see in which other regards do dragons, wyverns and wyrms differ.
This is not breaking and is incorrect. Musk did not call for the US to leave NATO. Musk responded to a twat that suggested it, agreeing with the idea.
>called Snuff
His favourite film genre.
Snuff can mean to extinguish as in a flame or a life.
Definitely comms. Who is going to be snuffed out? Charlie himself?
Remember back in the day when only illegal shit was deleted?
Again, ala NASA, no stars.
Anon has been calling them quacktors for decades.
>As a English anon
An Englishman, motherfucker. You're sounding like an illiterate American.
And, yeah, I know. You were dragged up, not brought up.
Could always call it Mickey Mouse English!