Kanye west is based and loves strawberries.
It's happening.
Praise kek.
Kanye west is based and loves strawberries.
It's happening.
Praise kek.
Turkey says they will give us greenland if we support them getting cyprus.
Should we do it?
Are we going to take greenland or not?
based greeks getting rid of the deepstate (DS)
I don't give a fuck about turkey nor about russia nor about ukraine. Fuck them all. Let them all kill each other for all I care.
The minerals under greenland ice can be 1000X the worth of ukraine. It only has 50k inhabitants its nothing.
1: A case for G.Lira has opened by PB. Will be in press in a few weeks or months not sure.
2: We are in talks with turkey about cyprus right now. They want cyprus. And they want it really bad. They offered $20B for our support
I'm going to let them take cyprus. I don't care what the greeks think.
Greenland might be having $50T in minerals itself.
What do?
American English
her breath smells like shit
She hates men according to diddy. She hates men of all ages apparently even small boys that she refers to as "chicken" for some reason.
Is this a good or bad thing?
pick one
should I let israel take damascus?
Either we take greenland and use its minerals to beat chinese factories. Or its over.
Israel is about to invade damascus.
I asked. Should I let it happen or not? Helloooo???
Calling german politicians fat is apparently illegal. Should I call a few of them fat? Just for the sake of kek?
Can finland please stfu