Yeah, St. Patrick is known for driving out all the snakes. We could use some of that. As far as dragons go. What if there were still a few dinosaurs running around? Dragons?
I wonder if he is a puppet gone rogue and now is a blackmailer.
I would think that the people who DO pay him are dirty and guilty and trying to hide it. Traffickers in drugs and slaves.
List the country flags behind them.
KEK. Frying pans, who knew?
Shills is so stupid.
KEK. You gonna tell mom?
Know how older style ICBM missiles navigated? Maybe you should look into it.
It's legal because it was going on anyway back in I think it was the 30s or around then, and they decided to make it legal in order to "keep an eye" on the transactions. Don't think that worked out quite like they wanted. Or, maybe it did.