Deadly Mistake: Danish Journalists Accidentally Disclosed a Classified NATO Headquarters in SUMY
High Ranking NATO Officers Killed
Deadly Mistake: Danish Journalists Accidentally Disclosed a Classified NATO Headquarters in SUMY
High Ranking NATO Officers Killed
Hollywood flogging their "Victim" messaging - the "Holoco$t" for 70 Yeeeeears.
and these Victim movies always get nommed and given an Academy Award to teach all you Goyeeem to bow down to the Tribe.
and of course, anything about Israel, from any Israeli news media, anything about how important Jews are, always get notabled.
Anything showing that Russia is winning in Ukraine is never notabled.
The kitchen is Israel First Jews First.
No PRIVATEly Owned Central Bank.
Even in the independent media, whenever they talk about the Federal Reserve, they always neglect to say that it's
Privately Ownedby the Khazarian Cabal Jewish Bankster Cartel.
this is why the average sheeple on the street has no idea WHY the Fed is Bad and should be abolished.
The Federal Reserve Bank is about as "Federal" as Fed Ex.
Federal Reserve Central Bank is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
After DOGE cuts all the fraud out of our corrupt gov't, changes should be made in our school system -
Starting from grade school, kids should be taught the Constitution.
and the 1913 history of how the "Federal Reserve" Jewish Banksters stole 99% of America's wealth.
Recently in Minnesota (?) a Bill was introduced to stop rogue judges called
Rogue Judge Bill or something like that.
Corrupt DEM Judges shoudn't have to power to veto a President's Exec. Order.
Brilliant anon!
The minerals deal was already negotiated by Rubio and Waltz before, and Z had agreed, the Z trip to meet with POTUS was to sign the already agreed deal.
Two official binders were prepared to be signed on Friday.
then Z changed the goalposts, and demanded that POTUS send US troops to Ukraine.
Our $350 Billion Dollars wasn't enough, the greedy Z puppet wants us to send our sons and brothers to go fight and bloody DIE for yet another war to benefit you-know-whoo.
Those rare earth minerals are worth Trillions$$$$ to Larry Fink and his board members.
>natzi nations
Notice how Zelensky, Blinken, Nuland, Schumer et al have said one bad word about the Nazi AZOV Battalion in Ukraine.
Israel has no problem with the Nazi AZOV Battalion in Ukraine.
even though the stated premise of Nazism is White Aryan i.e. Christian Supremacy over Jews,
ask yourself why not a single Jew has criticized the Nazi AZOV Battalion in Ukraine led by a Jewlensky?
Look deeper.
*have not said one bad word about the Nazi AZOV
Europe is NOT our ally, and has NEVER been our ally.
Israel is NOT our ally, and ha NEVER been our ally.
US - White Christian country
Russia - White Christian country
The CABAL has used allll of its propaganda machinery to tell us to HATE Russia Russia Russia !!!!!
but (((they))) have never given us one good reason as to WHY.
In WWI and WWII, the US and Russia fought the same enemies.
Russia has not harmed us. We have a lot in common with Russia - Christian family values, no LGBTQP Talmudic poison.
Putin: "In Russia, we will have Mother and Father, not Parent 1 and Parent 2."
Russia has also banned letting Russian kids be adopted to countries that have child transgender surgery and chemical castration of kids.
Why exactly are We, the Goyeeem supposed to hate Russia?
Most of the mineral lands that BlackRock bought are in the NorthEast portion of Ukraine, moar than half of which is now Russia.
No way Russia will allow BlackRock to move onto those lands because any American presence means American/NATO spies and saboteurs to subvert Russia.
Remember that Putin knows of all the Ukrainian child trafficking hubs and bioweapons labs, and organ harvesting places in Ukraine.
Just as POTUS Trump has been shown evidence of same here in America by the Q Team.
Both Trump and Putin KNOW about the deep Evil and whoo's behind it.
Just because the Truth about the Khazarian Mafia Kabal is censored, does not mean that Trump and Putin don't know about them.
We, the American Taxpayers pay for70.4%of NATO.
Trump is about to stop all Funding and withdraw from NATO.
NATO will collapse.
Zelenskoke head needs to "negotiate" SURRENDER.
Russia is WINNING. that's why POTUS said to Z that Z "has no cards".
There's ackshuallly nothing to "negotiate", Russia can do whatever it wants.
The dirty secret is that the US 18th round of Sanctions against Russia still hasn't worked. Russia made MOAR money under the Sanctions than before.
Time = Territory
Russia moves ahead every single hour.
The EuroTrash EU acts "as if " they have any power against Russia - they don't.
and POTUS refuses to allow the Cabal to push him into WWIII with Russia. Trump wants peace and prosperity.
Those unelected tyrants of the "EU" like Ursula Von der Liar won't have an EU for much longer.
As soon as POTUS stops funding NATO, NATO collapses.
Next POTUS walks away from the Rockefeller owned UN, the UN collapses.
The achshull New World Order will be :
America, Russia, China and India and their goal will be properity and cooperation in a multi-polar world.
Not a NWO ruled by -you-know-whoo–.