The Original Matrix - What They Don't Teach You About Money
"You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
What is Money?
Some things in life are so deeply ingrained in our daily existence that we rarely stop to question them.
They are simply there, operating in the background, so fundamental to our existence that they feel as natural as the air we breathe.
We use them, rely on them, and move through the world assuming they are exactly as they should be.
For example, everyone is familiar with the phrase “Money makes the world go ‘round.”
This is rarely questioned and is rather accepted as self-evident.
Every day, you wake up, pay your bills, go to work, and check your bank account,—believing that you understand the system you operate within.
But have you ever stopped to ask yourself: What is money, really?
Not the textbook definition.
Not the economic theory you learned in school.
But the truth.
Money is everywhere. It dictates who eats and who starves, who rises and who falls. It builds empires and crushes civilizations.
It has fueled revolutions, financed wars, and controlled the fate of entire nations.
It is arguably the most powerful force on Earth, yet most people never stop to question its origins, its purpose, or its true nature.
You use money every single day. You earn it, you spend it, you save it. You trade your time and energy for it. It determines where you live, what you own, and the opportunities available to you.
It is so deeply embedded in your life that questioning it feels absurd—like questioning gravity or the air you breathe.
But have you ever wondered who decided what money is? Who, or what, gave it value? Or who controls it?
And more importantly—what if you have been playing a game where the rules were rigged before you were even born?
For those who are willing to look beyond the surface, the answers may be surprising.
But be warned: once you start asking the right questions, there is no turning back.