Anonymous ID: f12625 March 2, 2025, 11:42 a.m. No.22688542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8549 >>8555 >>8582 >>8617 >>8691

Lefties are flipping out at Bill Murray for saying this. They don’t care that the feds were willing and able to edit Nixon’s tapes. They don’t care that Nixon was probably not in charge of the war just like Biden wasn’t in charge of anything. They don’t care that NYT vs Sullivan had already made it much safer for msm to tell any lies they wanted to.


Lefties are going to lose their minds as more and more truths are revealed.




Bill Murray on @JoeRogan podcast: "So when I read 'Wired' by whatshisname, Bob Woodward, about John Belushi, I read like five pages of 'Wired' & I went, 'Oh my God, they framed Nixon.' …If he did this to Belushi, what he did to Nixon is probably soiled for me too." Interesting!


3:32 PM EST · Mar 1, 2025

Anonymous ID: f12625 March 2, 2025, 11:44 a.m. No.22688555   🗄️.is 🔗kun



NYT giddily reports that the Sullivan decision “keeps getting cited approvingly in the Supreme Court’s decisions.”


Supreme Court Signals That Landmark Libel Ruling Is Secure

By Adam Liptak

Feb. 10, 2025, 5:02 a.m. ET


Starting in 2019, Justice Clarence Thomas has repeatedly called for the Supreme Court to reconsider New York Times v. Sullivan, the landmark First Amendment decision that made it hard for public officials to prevail in libel suits.


That project gained momentum in 2021, when Justice Neil M. Gorsuch said the decision “has evolved into an ironclad subsidy for the publication of falsehoods by means and on a scale previously unimaginable.”


So it was notable that just five days before President Trump took office last month, the Supreme Court seemed to go out of its way to signal that it is not ready to embrace one of his most dearly held goals: to “open up our libel laws” and overrule the Sullivan decision.


The signal, faint but unmistakable, came in a routine case on whether sales representatives were entitled to overtime. Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh cited the Sullivan decision with seeming approval, noting that it had held that the Constitution insists that public officials suing for libel must prove their cases with clear and convincing evidence.