Anonymous ID: 4e83d4 March 2, 2025, 2:34 p.m. No.22689335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9401 >>9460


>Francis Collins


(DoS FOIA Reading room has had a makeover.)


"Francis Collins" search = 35 hits.


Shout out to Collins from HRC.


Interesting article emailed from David Stillwell to [redacted] talks about bioweapons in the 50's. FTA page 4:

On March 13, I wrote in my journal that there seemed to be

something oddly artificial about the disease: "It's too airborne - too catching

  • it's something that has been selected for infectivity. That's what I suspect.

No way to know so no reason to waste time thinking about it."


This was just a note to self- at the time, I hadn't interviewed scientists about SARS-2 or read their research papers. But I did know something about pathogens and laboratory accidents; I published a book last year, Baseless, that talks about some of them. The book is named after a Pentagon program, Project Baseless, whose goal, as of 1951, was to achieve "an Air Force-wide combat capability in biological and chen1ical warfare at the earliest possible date."


A vast treasure was spent by the U.S. on the amplification and aerial delivery

of diseases - some well known, others obscure and stealthy.


from page 24:

These gain-of-function experiments were an important part of the NIH's

approach to vaccine development, and Anthony Fauci was reluctant to stop funding them. He and Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, along with Gary Nabel, NIAID director of vaccine research, published an opinion piece in the Washington Post in which they contended that the ferret flu experiments, and others like them, were "a risk worth taking."