Map Porn
Build the Tunnel! Drill baby Drill. #BORING!!!
Map Porn
Build the Tunnel! Drill baby Drill. #BORING!!!
>Anon knows a rabbi on the cusp of discovering that with his followers. It won't be received well.
>Stumbling blocks and such
The cognitive dissonance caused by realizing that your reasoning is internally inconsistent is the greatest challenge of human development. While not just a characteristic of judaism, but all ideologies, it does feel like an englightenment in judaism is a keystone to unravel other gordian ideologies. Add in a realization of just how destructive not waking up to this soon has been and the challenge of doing so is compounded further.
It must happen. Our task isn't to fix anything. It's merely to keep the collateral damage at a minimum. People are all worried about Trump not fixing enough or fast enough. Maybe he doesn't need to fix it all. He just needs enough time to move around the incentive structures and get enough momentum in the new direction. The rest will take care of itself. Those still running on the old system will defect, one by one, as they see better opportunities in the new system. It will dismantle itself and fade into history. Aka, the longer this all goes on, it's actually better. People freaking out that this is taking all these years miss the point. The longer this takes, the more likely it is to continue and the more likely it is that suffering will be minimized.
Let's not make anorexic and bulimic MAGA women the symbol of femininity please. Doesn't seem very MEGA…