I'm not anti-semetic, but I have to wonder, after years of digging on corrupt people, so many of them tend to have roots in Ukraine. Why is it, that so many of the corrupt fuckers have a connection to Ukraine through grandparents etc? Jews live all over the world, but the ones that always seem to pop up, are the ones with Ukrainian roots. Why would that be? How many Ukrainian Jews ended up is Israel after they got booted out of Ukraine? How has Israel fared since then? How many Ukrainian Jews are in our own government? Something's fishy. Not all Jews are corrupt, but quite a few Ukrainian ones seem to be.
So I've always wondered where the northern kingdom of Israel was deported to after the Assyrian conquest, because that's what Assyria did with the people she conquered, she would relocate the entire population and backfill with another conquered population. It may very well be, that they are the offspring of the corrupt northern kingdom of Israel, while Juda's population remained for a few hundred years after the north was conquered.
Black Hand (Serbia)
Unification or Death (Serbian: Уједињење или смрт / Ujedinjenje ili smrt), popularly known as the Black Hand (Serbian: Црна рука / Crna ruka), was a secret military society formed in May 1911 by officers in the Army of the Kingdom of Serbia. It gained a reputation for its alleged involvement in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 and for the earlier assassination of the Serbian royal couple in 1903, under the aegis of Captain Dragutin Dimitrijević (a.k.a. "Apis").[3]
The society formed to unite all of the territories with a South Slavic majority that were not then ruled by either Serbia or Montenegro. It took inspiration primarily from the unification of Italy in 1859–1870, but also from the unification of Germany in 1871.[4][5] Through its connections to the June 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, carried out by the members of the youth movement Young Bosnia, the Black Hand was instrumental in starting World War I (1914–1918) by precipitating the July Crisis of 1914, which eventually led to Austria-Hungary's invasion of the Kingdom of Serbia in August 1914.[6]
Black Hand
Black Hand, secret Serbian society of the early 20th century that used terrorist methods to promote the liberation of Serbs outside Serbia from Habsburg or Ottoman rule and was instrumental in planning the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand (1914), precipitating the outbreak of World War I. The society was formed (1911) and led by Col. Dragutin Dimitrijević; its members were primarily army officers with some government officials. Operating from Belgrade, it conducted propaganda campaigns, organized armed bands in Macedonia (before the Balkan Wars, 1912–13), and established a network of revolutionary cells throughout Bosnia. Within Serbia it dominated the army and wielded tremendous influence over the government by terrorizing officials; it became so powerful that its authority challenged that of the government. In order to eliminate that rival, Prince Alexander, commander in chief of the expatriate Serbian army, brought the leaders of the Black Hand to trial on dubious charges at Salonika in 1917. Dimitrijević and two others were executed, and more than 200 were imprisoned.
Why Did the Black Hand of Serbia Kill Franz Ferdinand?
By Carl Seaver
Last updated on January 27th, 2023 at 11:03 pm
World War I had many causes, such as imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and defensive alliances. However, one event that was a shot in the arm for the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 by the Serbian Black Hand.
Who was the Black Hand? What were their reasons for assassinating Franz Ferdinand? We answer these questions and give insight into some events that led to World War I.
In 1878, the crumbling Ottoman Empire and Serbian nationalism gave birth to an independent Serbian nation. Despite this development, many Serbs remained unsatisfied because they still lived in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The Serbs wanted to unite their territories and citizens into a state called “Greater Serbia.”
There was already unrest among the Serbian population because of Austrian oppression. In 1908, Austria-Hungary’s complete annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina led to outrage among the Serbs.
On October 8, 1908, two days after Bosnia-Herzegovina’s annexation, many men, including high-ranking Serbian ministers, officials, and generals, convened at City Hall in Belgrade.
They founded the Narodna Odbrana (or National Defense), a semi-secret nationalist society. Its goal was to recruit and train partisans for a potential war between Serbia and Austria-Hungary.
Narodna Odbrana carried out anti-Austrian propaganda while sending spies and saboteurs to work within the seized regions of the empire. They formed satellite groups in Bosnia, Slovenia, Herzegovina, and Istria. The Bosnian satellite organization was called “Mlada Bosna” or “Young Bosnia.”
On May 9, 1911, 10 Narodna Odbrana formed the Black Hand — sometimes called “Unification or Death” (or Ujedinjenje ili Smrt in Serbian). The Black Hand was a secret Serbian nationalist group mostly comprised of the Serbian military. Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic or Apis headed it.
The group planned guerrilla acts and to assassinate targets from the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires so that they would have the Greater Serbia they envisioned. They were dedicated to extending the Serbian state and re-establishing the former Serbian Empire.
Members of the Black Hand used to their advantage the key positions they held in the Serbian army and government, allowing them to influence government appointments and policies.
The Serbian government was aware of the Black Hand’s existence and kept itself in the loop of the group’s activities. However, friendly relations between them had cooled by 1914.
Mostly, the group was unhappy with Prime Minister Nikola Pasic. They thought he wasn’t working hard enough toward the Pan-Serb cause. In addition, there were many contentious issues, such as who would hold the Serbian territories regained in the Balkan Wars.
Yeah? What about the other 50% that AREN'T involved? Grab them too? Be careful what you wish for.
For you young un's that don't know, the assassination of Franz Ferdinand is what started WWI.
Got news for ya, there's only ONE race, it's called human.
When weeding out your lawn, you gotta get the roots or it just grows back.