The world can't handle ONE Trump.
Somebody been dosing the bees with methelyne blue.
The other Kash Patel.
There was rightful rejoicing throughout the land when Kash Patel was sworn in as America’s next Director of the FBI on February 21. What a terrific story. A brilliant and dedicated public servant outrageously persecuted by a federal agency goes on to lead that very agency. But here’s a little secret: America has another Kash Patel waiting in the wings.
The other “Kash Patel,” whose life story bears remarkable similarities to Patel’s, is named Donald Im. Don’s dedication and love of country led him on a dual career path. One, to become an Assistant Special Agent in Charge in the DEA’s Special Operations Division, retiring after 31 years of service, and on a parallel path, retiring from the US Special Operations Command as a lieutenant colonel in the US Army Reserves after 27 years of service, with deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, where he was the architect and designer of the Afghan Threat Finance Cell. He is one of America’s leading experts on money laundering and threat finance. He has testified in multiple venues before the House of Representatives on Chinese involvement in drug money laundering and fentanyl production, as well as the Senate on the use of shell companies by criminal organizations. If ever America needed a general in its undeclared war on China, Don Im is the ideal candidate.
All that surrender monkeying makes you Brits tired.
>I thought All patriots on bored were sound.
That has never been true right from the first Q poast.