Anonymous ID: a84af1 March 2, 2025, 5:44 p.m. No.22690341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

There were many battles for many years and I said I would stop many times and failed, but no moar

Anon is no longer Vs.

Anon is +++

Anonymous ID: a84af1 March 2, 2025, 6:31 p.m. No.22690630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0633


Quiet, Simple Legion. The little deep state piece of shit that can't get any traction unless he imitates how someone else posts. You're such a loser, faggot. Started out you're going to destroy the famefags, then failed, now you're just trying to be one yourself by imitating someone you failed to destroy. Called the person you imitate a narcissist for years while you're the one that displays that flaw of characterI mean, he's the one that comes here to imitate me. There's nothing from him that I need or would want to emulate. I also consider him lucky that I even reply in his direction or to him directly seeing as he's not worth it. Quiet, Simple Legion. You'll never be the real SP. Like a sad little version of a tranny, you know, someone pretending to be something they're not and expecting everyone to pretend along with them or be bullied into compliance with a name like "transphobe," only in the case as it is here you've used the term "narcissist" for two years to get the person you copy to self-censor. At least you clowns don't post your merchants or generic bullshit anymore and just want to fill the breads with my favorite pepe in order to train anons here to have a negative Pavlovian response to it, you want everyone to hate that image as much as you do. AEI fontfagging, disappeared. Tranimae persona, disappeared, MAGA PATRIOTs persona, disappeared. And more and more SP impersonations pop up. I wonder who could be behind it, considering they're displaying the very behavior directed at one individual that their divide and conquer narrative accused through projection onto an entire ethnicity for over half a decade before they couldn't take being mocked anymore after their divide and conquer narrative got a global to never be put in notes. The shills must think I'm better than them and seek to imitate that for their own purposes. It has to be backed by sincere authenticity and genuine intent though. All they have is deceit and lies and envy and hate, that's why it doesn't work for them. Nothing makes me happier to see AEI and Tranimae pretending to be me to destroy me. Their narrative suffered damage. Paid posting clowns are no longer the best of the best that they thought they were. Just sad. I remember in 2021 and 2022 that I thought they'd be a challenge if I decided to engage without restraint, and for a time it was but never too difficult a challenge. They're too busy destroying themselves now, indulging in a fantasy of being someone else. The one post sockpuppets replying to them in a cordial manner are so obvious. If they were good at their job, if they had worthy ideas, if they could make good memes then they wouldn't have to run around pretending to be someone they're not. But then again, failing is their only business here, and business is booming for them. Quiet, Simple Legion. Now you work for Space Force, huh? Funny how you imitate everything one person does, call that person a narcissist and tell that person he's not allowed to have a personality while you come into breads asking if people have missed you and that you are the memes. You're just a second-place loser, Tranimae. But you're not SP though, are you? No. You'll never be. Maybe I'll make a new meme for you to work into your malignant caricature routine. Going to bake tonight with your rainbow banner? At least you're not generic when you imitate someone, because that must be the only thing that's interesting about you, you pretending to be someone else. You're such an idiot. You're a fraud. You're an Absolute Retard clown that's been impersonating SP since the MuhJoo narrative got a global to never be put into notables. If you were honest you would have found your own way instead of trying to parasitize how one anon posts in order to gatekeep anyone from being able to recognize him in order to defend your Marxist/satanist version of anonymity you want everyone to use. All you're doing is telling everyone that you think how I post is better than how you think you're able to post.