Anonymous ID: b904c7 July 24, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.2269237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9256

Conservatives Aren’t Opposed to Identity Politics (Gregory Hood)


Just white identity.


American conservatives haven’t learned much from President Donald Trump’s election victory. Instead, Congressman Paul Ryan and Senator Tim Scott are trying to beat back nationalist and Identitarian tendencies within the Republican Party. This is particularly infuriating because of the increasingly overt anti-white sentiments of Democrats—about which supposed conservatives are silent. Beltway conservatives have thus become de facto allies of the Left, working to weaken and isolate whites who fight back against radical leftism.


Aside from a tax cut, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has very little to show for almost two years of united Republican government, but the outgoing congressman has no explanation or apology for this. Instead, in a recent interview with Jonah Goldberg at the American Enterprise Institute, Speaker Ryan took aim at the Alt-Right. “That is not conservatism,” he said. “That is racism. That is nationalism. That is not what we believe in. That is not the founding vision, that is not the founders’ creed.”


Anyone with even a passing familiarity with American history—whether a race realist or leftist historian—can easily refute silly claims about the Founders. Pretending that Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, and the other Founders were racial egalitarians is stupid and dangerous. Such myth-making can drive younger Americans to the left when they learn establishment conservatives deceived them.


Speaker Ryan urged conservatives to “intellectually do everything you can to defeat the Alt-Right” and said they needed to “fight for our ground and re-win these ideas and marginalize these guys as best we can.” Both Jonah Goldberg and Speaker Ryan spoke of the importance of debate, yet neither seemed to recognize the contradiction in urging that we be “marginalized.” White advocates have nothing to fear from debate with anyone, because we are right. Speaker Ryan’s reference to the goal of “marginalizing” people just demonstrates the Beltway Right’s desperation to maintain its position by controlling funding, resources, and media access. This means yet more censorship and the endless purges that have defined the conservative movement’s history.


Speaker Ryan implicitly suggested free speech is a problem. In a discussion of the “really big challenges for democracy,” he bemoaned “21st century technology and the ability to monetize division and as you [Mr. Goldberg] say, tribalism and identity politics.” Given how much time he had spent denouncing the Alt-Right, this sounds like an endorsement of efforts to deplatform dissidents.


Even if Speaker Ryan opposes “identity politics,” does he honestly believes the best way to defeat it is through debate? White dissidents have already been stripped of the ability freely to use online platforms, let alone “monetize” them. By contrast, non-whites who openly celebrate racial identity or inveigh against whites not only enjoy open access to the services provided by major technology companies, they often are the subject of promotional campaigns by those companies. Thus, the #BlackLivesMatter campaign has an emoji created by Twitter, despite the violence the movement has inspired. Meanwhile, Jared Taylor and American Renaissance are banned.


Paul Ryan’s showy outrage over the Alt-Right contrasts with his silence on identity politics in the Democrat Party, especially that of his House colleague Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison recently made headlines by attacking for carrying material he considers “far right.” The obvious intent was to get Amazon to remove books by “racists” so as to silence his political opponents. Mr. Ellison has nevertheless called for a separate black homeland within the United States, has a long record of working with such groups as the Nation of Islam, and has explicitly endorsed the left-wing terrorist group antifa.


Keith Ellison


Why is Mr. Ellison rarely, if ever, criticized for this by Republican politicians? Their silence is a notable contrast to how eagerly Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake and other Republicans attack the supposed radicalism of their own president. One would think Republican politicians would more worried about a black nationalist serving as Deputy Chair of the Democrat Party rather than about “white nationalism” that in many cases exists only in the imaginations of journalists.

Anonymous ID: b904c7 July 24, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.2269256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2269237 PART TWO


Besides, as events this week showed, Republican leaders are not actually opposed to all “identity politics.” Black Republican Senator Tim Scott torpedoed Ryan Bounds, one of President Trump’s nominees for a U.S. circuit court seat, because of essays the judge wrote when he was in college. None is particularly scandalous, and they echo common conservative critiques of multiculturalism.


A lefty organization, the Alliance for Justice, found this:


Multiculturalists band together not into tight cliques of mutual interests and complementary powers, but rather into social clubs of ostensibly common racial heritage.


Race-focused groups foster racethink, and the only way to rid our multicultural community of race-think is to rid it of these invidious factions. We should be cheered, however, to know that our task is not impossible. The existence of ethnic organizations is no inevitable prerequisite to maintaining a diverse community—white students, after all, seem to be doing all right without an Aryan Student Union.


If a black person is an individualist and a thoroughgoing capitalist who eschews victimhood status and its concomitant entitlements, racethinkers are quick to brand him ‘oreo,’ ‘Uncle Tom,’ or ‘sell-out.’


Needless to say, outlets such as Vox, the Daily Beast, and Above the Law described these sentiments as “racist,” even though they advocate precisely the kind of individualism and colorblindness conservatives promote when they decry race-realist “identity politics.” The last passage is from a defense of non-liberal blacks who are called “Uncle Toms”—Tim Scott, who opposed the judge’s nomination, is himself a frequent target of the slur. Despite his boasts about being more than his skin color, Senator Scott evidently believes that whites have neither the right to practice racial solidity themselves nor to oppose it in others.


In other words, Tim Scott practices the racial hypocrisy typical of most blacks. This isn’t surprising, but it’s unclear why conservatives—overwhelmingly white and rhetorically committed to racial individualism—are supposed to put up with it. It’s also confusing why Paul Ryan is so worried about the “Alt-Right,” when racial nationalism is far more prominent among the Democrats in the very legislative body he supposedly leads. When a judge can have his prospects derailed because he was opposed to racial collectivism when practiced by non-whites, it’s hard to take Republicans or conservatives seriously when they claim to oppose “identity politics” as a general matter.


The Beltway Right’s stance on “identity politics” is contradictory, cowardly, and incoherent. Republicans support—or at least dare not oppose—identity politics for groups that don’t vote for them, and oppose Identitarianism for whites, who are the only race that does. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Paul Ryan, Tim Scott, and conservatives like them are not actually opposed to identity politics. They are simply opposed to white interests. It does Beltway conservatives too much credit to call them “controlled opposition” to a system that persistently ignores white interests. They aren’t an opposition at all.

Anonymous ID: b904c7 July 24, 2018, 3:23 p.m. No.2269435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9456 >>9474 >>9936 >>9959

Conservatives Are Losers


For the world to get to how it is today, with the nearly complete elimination of tradition in favor of a globohomo world where diddling little children is becoming normalized, conservatives have had to lose every meaningful cultural war in the history of man. When someone declares themselves a conservative, they’re in fact stating that they are a loser, someone who is meant to take the fall when the left comes attacking.


Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.


Why are conservatives such losers? Because they desire to merely hold the line while their enemy rushes at them full speed. They don’t want to conquer new lands, kill their enemy, or inflict real harm. They want to maintain the status quo while the left froths at the mouth to win, energized with momentum and passion. The left is so dissatisfied at the state of the world because of their deep-seated inner dysfunction that they put their entire being into trying to make it better. They don’t know how to enjoy their lives so they have to attack the lives of others.


Conservatives, on the other hand, have no momentum or passion. They just want to be left alone, which makes them easy pickings for a collective that is hellbent on achieving their nightmare utopia. In the end, conservatives are the Spartans in 300 who have trained their entire lives to lose the battle, even if they are pound-for-pound stronger than their enemy.


Conservatives have also shown to be comically susceptible to leftist ideas when it’s presented as “human rights.” Two decades ago, the vast majority of conservatives would have stood against gay marriage, but a few years of cheesy “love is love” commercials was all it took for them to change their mind. Their motto of “live and let live” is only reasonable to hold if their enemy believed the same. They give the crying baby its bottle and from that milk it gets fat and strong and decides to kill the entire family. Conservatives don’t understand that giving an inch to the left eventually results in absolute defeat. They have to psychotically refuse to give any ground, even if practical logic or fairness is staring them in the face, but we know they won’t do that.


Another problem conservatives face is technology, which is not agnostic but rather liberating. It allows man to rely less on traditions, family, social bonds, and religion, all things that the left hates. The more technology you have, the more you can be an atomized unit in a little urbanized box, reliant only on your service job and digital device to keep you alive and somewhat sane while using Uber and Lyft to travel in and out of your self-imposed quarantine zone. Because of technology, the conservatism of today is merely the liberalism of twenty years ago. I challenge you to find a single attractive “conservative” girl who hasn’t tried Tinder or engaged in abundant pre-marital sex. Look at the life of any self-professed conservative and odds are you’ll find a rather cosmopolitan existence that is far removed from nature and rural living.


The biggest reason why conservatives will continue to lose is that they’re still not ready to fight the left even though the left is ready to kill them. Liberals have been getting conservatives fired on a daily basis while suing their businesses out of existence while the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose. If you’re not prepared to fight your enemy while your enemy is busy killing you, you will lose. It’s that simple. Some think that conservatives have to feel a sense of hopelessness to fight back, but by then there will be nothing left worth fighting for.


You don’t have to be a historian to know that conservatives will continue to lose. Simple take a look back 50, 100, or 500 years to see how much ground they’ve lost, and amplify that by a factor of ten thanks to technology if you want to imagine how much ground they will lose in the next 50, 100, or 500 years. They are such losers that if you see any sort of organized conservative “uprising” in the years to come, it will surely be a carefully managed scheme by the elites to usher in yet another monumental conservative defeat.