Does this mean we can get rid of the bioengineered food?
Where I live, the Farmers Market is a bunch of overpriced Yuppie items.
IDK if the produce is actually grown locally or if people just go to the Super Walmart and buy stuff then bring it to the Farmer's Market and sell it for twice the price that they bought it.
People like the idea of a Farmers Market without actually knowing where the food is coming from.
Here's another evil POS.
And he tried to blame it on the Black janitor.
When you meet a girl and fall in love, realize that the girl you have fallen in love with only actually exists 2 weeks out of the month.
The week before her Period (PMS week) and the week of her Period, she is not the same girl. It is Eggshell Girl, because during those 2 weeks you will be walking on eggshells. Everything you do or say during those 2 weeks could trigger anger or tears, so watch out.
Some whiskers in the bathroom sink will be interpreted as you don't respect her.
Accidentally leaving the back door unlocked when you leave the house is interpreted as you don't love her and don't care if some weirdo wanders into the house and rapes her.
So watch out for those two weeks. Anything could trigger her.
You could bring her flowers, thinking you are doing something nice, and she might throw them at you because it reminds her of an ex-boyfriend, that you never knew, who dissed her and had bought her the same kind of flowers.
Women can be Wonderful or Wacky.
You get 2 weeks of Wonderful Woman after her Period is done.
But once she ovulates, watch out, her comes Wacky Woman.
I don't think most people join the military because they are patriotic.
I think they join to get away from home and do something different.
Most American people think that Keith Olbermann is an asswipe.
Well I live in near Chicago and the only thing that really grows locally is field corn on giant farms way outside of the city.
If you go out into the rural areas you might find a farmstand that's actually on the farmer's property.
But the farmers aren't going to bother driving 50 miles to get to the city to sell their wares.
The arrests will happen when no one is paying any attention to it. When no one cares anymoar.
When people are tired of waiting and have given up caring.
Like no one really cares when someone in their 90s dies. It was time for them to go anyways.
Jews are Evil Creatures.
In addition to this rant I would like to add another thought.
If a woman is on BCPs, her brain is telling her that her body is pregnant when her body is, in fact, not pregnant.
So how does that mess with a woman's psyche when her brain is telling her that she is pregnant and no baby ever shows up?