No it wouldn't.
Let's Make Britain Black Again seems to be the Cabal's motto.
Or use the real name - chips.
It's not so much if they are willing to use good seeds, it's the availability of good seeds.
Monsanto and other agro giants destroyed the competition.
Thus there is a great opportunity to create local co-operatives.
Your trying to tie a Q post to a CNN article?
Even though you are a bot, Retard Finder is a very kek Twatter
>i think without the shilling this place wouldnt be the same
Quads confirm.
but it's 4445!
Quads are invisible to anon thanks to the filter.
I had a Haitian student whose brother was a member of the incoming government after the coup of 2004 and confirmed that the C_A was behind it. He said all they wanted in return was a part of the island where they could establish an airfield and remain unmolested.
At the time, I thought it was to fly drugs in Florida, but now I realise it is much, much darker.