Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 10:04 a.m. No.22693793   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4015 >>4023 >>4102 >>4352 >>4494 >>4555

Ukraine Aid From America Could Stop Very Soon!


President Trump is meeting with aides to discuss canceling US military aid to Ukraine.


No indication as of yet as to how the meeting is going.


The general consensus is that without ongoing US military aid, the Ukraine Army will collapse on the battlefield within days.


Last Friday, in the Oval Office, when Ukraine's Zelensky disrespected both the President and Vice President by trying to argue Diplomacy was not the method of settling the conflict, Trump told Zelensky "We either have a deal or we're out."


Either Zelensky didn't understand what that meant, or he didn't believe it would take place.


By refusing to sign the Minerals deal, Zelensky made clear he does not want the war to stop just yet. This is unacceptable to President Trump (as well to the majority of American voters who voted for Trump to get us out of this war!).


Now that words have failed to stop Zelensky, harsher means must be employed: like making it impossible for Ukraine's Army to continue!


Meanwhile, a Peace Deal between America and Russia is being expedited in a rush to prevent nuclear conflict between both Sovereign States.


Thank you President Trumpโ€ฆ. and thank President Putin for being so patient with the US all these years. Some more hardline Russians would have already initiated a world war over what Biden has done!

Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 10:08 a.m. No.22693816   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



1) WEF/Davos/Bilderberg globalists and their radical stooge puppets have done enormous economic damage to the Western world. However, vast gold reserves are returning to America as these treasonous despots try to bring the world to war. The economic damage done to America over the last decade has been extreme. Due to massive national debt insolvency, horrible "green" economic policies, outsourcing of industry, horrible foreign policies leading to endless wars, sabotage against food processing plants, covid plandemic policies, wasteful governmental spending, systemic fraud and a corrupt bloated bureaucracy the American economy will take many years to recover. The good news is gold has been returning en mass into America as a safe-haven, thanks to a new administration who is seeking to derail destructive globalist war efforts and despotic agendas.


2) Corrupt suicidal European governments, including the British government, want a major war with Russia. Europe is NOT a place you will wish to have your money in or invest heavily into. European governments absolutely refuse to give up on Biden's project Ukraine. This is the main reason so much gold reserves and businesses leaving Europe today! The coming war between Europe and Russia will happen, and when it does it will be lights out for most of Europe, with an economic collapse, martial law and harsh austerity measures that include the seizure of assets, bank accounts, pension funds and savings, combined with social unrest from new conscription laws and nullification of any freedom or individual activities. GET OUT OF EUROPE AND BRITAIN: physically and financially.


3) America, China and India will become the biggest safe havens during the Europe-Russian war. China and India will not become directly involved with this coming war. Americans, for the most part, are dead against being dragged into conflict to save Europe's corrupt asses. Trump has already proved he is not willing to come to the rescue of the war pigs who currently run Europe, it would be both extremely unpopular and face large popular resistance and be political suicide for Trump's administration. Trump will likely tell Europe if they wish to commit suicide they do it on their own terms, not at the expense of America! America will be a safe haven, simply be prepared to hunker down comfy at home and refuse to be involved with this war. When there is a major war in Europe we will see some global supply chain issues so get prepared for that today if you have not already done so!


4) The hegemony of the WEF/Davos globalists is crumbling. These are dangerous times. Be aware they often will use false flag attacks to bring nations to war. You, as an American, will be able to survive if you understand your government has become largely corrupted and subverted and these control freaks HATE US. They see us as "useless eaters" and will do everything they can to further destabilize the country. Be prepared, have a stockup of basic essentials at home: long-term food storage, have a source for clean water or a rain water collection & water filtering system, maybe an atmospheric water generator with extra filters (if you have well water have an extra well pump), a generator with extra fuel storage, some deep cycle 12V batteries and a couple 1,000W power inverters, have a wood burning stove or fireplace for winter, extra sanitation supplies, some OTC medicine & supplements, extra socks/shoes/boots/clothing, firearms/ammunition to defend yourselves and family. Stay away from riots and protests when things get nasty and be prepared to hunker down when necessary.


5) Listen to this brand NEW interview with Martin Armstrong. He is well educated and has a history of dealing with government and business insiders. He will explain very clearly what is happening today, why we are witnessing the crisis we are in now. If you refuse to listen to this interview you will be left confused about current world events and you will not be prepared for what is coming. Here is his latest interview on USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter:

Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 10:21 a.m. No.22693880   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



FACT: not many Americans got killed during World War II compared to the Russians and Europeans (which literally laid in rubble!) The US came at the very end and terrified the world so hard everyone decided to stop fighting. THAT is the way to really "win" any war!

Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 10:56 a.m. No.22694096   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4349


I have never witnessed that happen near our local farmer markets, typically you can get some good deals (except for a few items like homemade soap and shampoos which tend to be a bit pricey). Also, look for the people who have legit business cards (names, addresses, phone numbers). It's really easy to spot out con-men at a farmers market especially when buying anything wholesale!

Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 11:06 a.m. No.22694157   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4164


America was built on family farming. You want to go back to the "good 'ol days" you got to get back to the rugged individualist lifestyle of being more self-sufficient and productive! My grandparents were farmers back in the day, sold at local country stores and the farmer market.

Anonymous ID: f05d18 March 3, 2025, 11:19 a.m. No.22694228   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Maybe the whole government needs to be shut down. It's too far corrupted, too far gone. It's not an organization that can police itself, it's full of the criminals wrecking the whole damned country at this point. Shut it all down.