[They] told that lie that Kamala was way ahead, for so long that even they started to believe it.
Globalists are hell-bent on getting WWIII to actually start. It's time for the arrests to begin for COVID and the 2020 "plandemic". This will keep them busy enough running, that they will stop their "war effort".
Lefties are still REEEEEEing over Zelensky getting booted from the White House.
The (43) should tell you, that it's a SPAM BOT so you won't get an answer.
So much projectionโฆ
That ONE guitarโฆ.
if ((POSTER != OP) && (POSTER_CNT * 10 ALL_POST_CNT) { delete_all_posts_by_id(POSTER_ID);}
>Control UFOs Using Their Mind
if ((POSTER != OP) && (POSTER_CNT * 10 ALL_POST_CNT)) { delete_all_posts_by_id(POSTER_ID);}
>The TRUTH is coming and the Hammer of Justice has arrived! ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Better versionโฆ
GOOD! Now watch the REEEEEing from the left go through the roof.