Doge should audit EVERYTHING.
Probe Deeply, and intimately into the asshole of our govt.
It makes me think of that short exchange between Pres. Trump and Obama, where Trump was heard saying something like ….No, I backed out of that, could you imagine, it was a horrible deal.
Are those going to affect her ability to properly hold firearms?
He means everyone who was playing neo, using proxies, and vpn's and whatever else they think made them anonymous and untraceable were wasting their time.
I thought Eric Holder used some ms-13 members via fast&furious.
I don't know about actual Cameras, but my phone camera has a "pick a better shot" feature which allows you to choose from multiple frames of the picture you took, kind of choose the best pic from a time lapse video but its a photo.
One would think expensive digital cameras have a similar feature.