Anonymous ID: 70724e March 3, 2025, 6:43 p.m. No.22696561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moar, moar, moar…


The return date of the subpoena was May 24, 2022. DOJ COUNSEL also sent FPOTUS

COUNSEL 1 a letter that permitted alternative compliance with the subpoena by "providing any

responsive documents to the FBI at the place of their location" and by providing from the

custodian a "sworn certification that the documents represent all responsive records." The letter

further stated that if no responsive documents existed, the custodian should provide a sworn

certification to that effect.

  1. On May 25, 2022, while negotiating for an extension of the subpoena, FPOTUS

COUNSEL 1 sent two letters to DOJ COUNSEL. In the second such letter, which is attached as

Exhibit 1, FPOTUS COUNSEL 1 asked DOJ to consider a few "principles," which include

FPOTUS COUNSEL 1's claim that a President has absolute authority to declassify documents. In

this letter, FPOTUS COUNSEL 1 requested, among other things, that "DOJ provide this letter to

any judicial officer who is asked to rule on any motion pertaining to this investigation, or on any

application made in connection with any investigative request concerning this investigation."

  1. I am aware of an article published in Breitbart on May 5, 2022, available at

already-declassified-kash-patel-says/, which states that Kash Patel, who is described as a former top FPOTUS administration official, characterized as "misleading" reports in other news

organizations that NARA had found classified materials among records that FPOTUS provided to

NARA from Mar-a-Lago. Patel alleged that such reports were misleading because FPOTUS had

declassified the materials at issue!