Trump dshould provide recipts showing wherevthe US subsidies them.
Is it all NATO crap?. I Thougt Maga hate NATO.
Sir Trump put Freland and Truedos mman as tresure secratary and ar lyin to the peeple in a phoney tarif war to tax the sheeple cus bankers war mnachine need conscipts fuck the poors 51 state was joke now not joke cause trumps frens don nau how to the handel him to unpredatbble they say wich not true theey knwo the scriipt theey playin it 2 and the carny clown want in to after getin cot movin his bisniss to trumps new yorkk namd for charls of englind a conttree carny made poorerer now tthe grate north white sstat hav to liqud8 and selll to dark maaga tech boomerz for uk rain waaaar conqer the north for resorces for prducts to kep u down like a looser also truedos frend duog ford is trumps frend he likees that guy hes a repubelickin they can grab pussey togetter lawl just jokes hes frendds with china mitcjh an china mitcjh don't want terref war he want 3rd world war 3rd impeach 3rd nafta