Isn't that the kid they canonized because of him making lists of miracles online? So, he was sainted because he made lists of miracles, not because he performed any himself, just some people's anecdotes that they prayed to that kid and he was healed. Smells all sorts of wrong and manipulated to force a desired effect. When they rush something like that it's not to be trusted. Took them 100s of years to get over Gallileo for fuck's sake.
>Hannitus Interuptus
I remember when I coined that. I don't call him that anymore. Came to learn over time that I was unfair to him. I was unfair to a lot at Fox. Not all of them though. Some deserved it. POTUS Trump's casual offhand comment about Hannity being a good man made me change my mind. It was those damn C_A and FIB pins he used to wear that set me off. Symbology to be their downfall and whatnot was swimming in my head quite prominently back then. He stopped wearing them though after the Mar-a-lago raid, so there is that.
What miracles? All I heard is he made lists of miracles on a website and the story goes after he died a couple people claim they prayed to him and they were healed because they prayed to him. So, again, don't tell me "he has miracles" when there has yet to be any evidence shown of him doing any, especially in this day and age with the ability to record for posterity. Not to mention the breaking of canonization protocol to rush this kid out the door like some little DEI saint, because that's what it sure seems like to me with that kid.
The snake building and the macabre wooden sculpture on its stage raises a lot of red flags, not to mention replacing Benedict before he passed away, something that happened when Bathhouse was president and something that hadn't happened for 600 years or so. Francis is definitely globalist and DEI leaning. Perhaps indeed, just going to have to wait and see. I'm not getting my hopes up on it or anything so then if something does happen it'll be a pleasant little vindication.
They're scared and weak too. Imagine how demoralized they'd be after failing for years, playing their little emotional manipulation games in a sphere of reason and logic.
Really? Your generic shit again? Like some dumb animal? Just go back to imitating me, you useless fucking idiot. You seem to IP hop less when you're imitating.
>where is this magical realm you speak of?
I can see why you'd have trouble figuring that out for yourself when you post one meme about this not being a dumb area and then your post before that about yoda being a groomer with phallus swords and shit. You're not dumb, just degenerate.
I don't mean to be a mean asshole. It really is not my natural state. It's these shills. I have to, there's no other way to explain it. Just a gut instinct to engage their bullshit. Now's not like it was when I first started engaging them after January of 2022, not giving a fuck about what I posted or who it may have bothered, but things have changed. I make an effort, though most times minimal, to put thought into how I post now could reflect upon others on the line here and outside of here against the deep state, how what I say could reflect upon others as well, and to be mindful of potential ripples based upon what I post. At the start I didn't give one fuck, went in like a bull in a china shop, had to smite the shill, it was like an obsession for a while. At the time that was what seemed to be required, but that was then and this is now and I've learned quite a bit since then that has led me to adapting to how I am now.