that bitch is from a satan-worshipping cult in Pigeon Forge that has been there forever. Dolly is COVERED in tattoos and fucks anything and anyone. why do you think miley cyrus is her goddaughter?
fake as hell. as is she. faggot-loving Baal-worshipping cunt.
moar bullshit non answers.
what? why can't anyone be straight with this? i grew up with only one sign and that was the bird which meant fuck you to anyone you flashed it at. so what does it mean when someone flashes the ok sign these days? i'm not kidding.
still no explanation. another pos commenting. next.
another non-answer. next.
another non-answer. next.
obviously it means more than that since people get all worked up when they see it to the point where they post these same people flashing it all the time.
and wtf does THAT mean?
sorry that i'm an adult who lives i the real world where smart people don't waste time being cryptic with each other. you motherfuckers think you're Q or some shit. fucking spell out what you want to say.
suck out my internal turds you cum-drizzling faggot!
i'm not a slide. been here since '17. just sick of the pretend Q's trying to crypticalize their thought. there's only one Q and FUCK any anon who thinks they can Q like Q.