Seeing Pam Bondi (posted elsewhere) on hanniFraud about every weeknight gives bad flashbacks of when solomon & that smiling carter woman would go on there with their TEASERS. Would really like to know why Jeff Sessions really recused himself POTUS' First Term… Sorry, want him back OR still working in the background.
Used to defend hannity. He'd play that satanic madonna ranting in front of the White House over and over, for weeks and weeks on-end, every fucking night. A relative finally started just turning him off – AND the "breaking news" on the screen for the most stupid, dumbing down crap imaginable. When OANN was investigating & reporting all kinds of Treasonous Crimes, he'd have fucking donna brazile , Ladybug LadyG and GERALDO on, levin hawking books, and repeat every fucking night.
It's OK to have crap entertainment on TV. It's a HUGE issue, however, when it's got "Breaking News" and the asshole "Alert" on the screen every damned second for fluff, worthless CRAP "REACTION" when a Station nobody knows exists is reporting everything.