>>22696847 pb
>shouldn't lead to a fucking cushy retiremen
buyouts should be forfeit and repossessed if they EVER take a job with a business that was regulated by their gov't office
>>22696847 pb
>shouldn't lead to a fucking cushy retiremen
buyouts should be forfeit and repossessed if they EVER take a job with a business that was regulated by their gov't office
>>22696471 pb
of COURSE not….
bcs THAT represents ACTUAL equality
ya wanna be weak and protected when it benefits women
but you want to be "equal" when it comes to the rewards that men have to EARN
>There areseventeenrare earth minerals, collectively known as rare earth elements
actually, there are FOURTEEN rare earth elements
corresponding to the first f-block of the periodic table
>what does that sign mean??
what rock you been livin' under?
it means OK
nothing more sinister than that
has since i was born
has since my parents were born
has since my grandparents were born (140 yrs ago)
beyond that i have no DIRECT first-hand info
>it's a triple 6
>obviously it means more than that
shills on BOTH sides can make up whatever half-assed theories they want to suit their own agenda
if you allow faggots, trannies, shills, libtards, contards, conspiracy theorists, etc to HI-JACK every innocent symbol, then there won't be any innocent symbols left
so go right ahead and play into their hands
as far as I'M concerned
just like it has for as far back as living memory goes
that's the ticket
yoda's a groomer
thx for pointing that out
got any shaved beaver pics ya wanna share?
just because it's not the answer you wanted
that doesn't make it a "non-answer"
you're sounding more and more like a slideshill
>subhuman trash
depends on how they're raised
same as white trash
you can call anons "nigger" all you want
but you have no way of knowing
and no way of proving
(((YOU))) on the other hand
have unequivocably demonstrated to everyone here that you are an embarrassment to the human race
good job of removing all doubt
exhibit B
>I tried to watch but gave up around half way
the patience and attention span of an undisciplined child?
like i said, jethro….
trash comes in ALL colors
good people come in all colors
maybe go to a liberry and read the list of congressional medal of honor recipients
>Why are so many African Americans gay?
read up on transactional analysis
much higher percentage of blacks grew up without any father figure
the unfulfilled need for love from a father figure
can lead some people to fill that need thru homosexual relationships
kinda obvious, if ya THINK about it….
i spelt it so YOU would recognize the word, jethro
sounds like a plan….
it's a JOKE son…
i say…
(boy got the brains of the south end of a north bound horse)