Not worth it stupid idiots they know auto correct is doing shit…
Chicken butt…
They keep doing the but…
Note they do this with woman sticking out their butts as a form of sexual harassment.
So this is in the auto correct so on as the butt sticking out is organized by these people in the way of what it is.
It is amazing to me how much sexual harassment is allowed to go on from things in this way.
That woman think they can do anything they want to sexually harass men because no one will believe them…
This is the game plan…
So notice the auto correct “butt…” this then where they send woman to stick their butt out at you so on…
Work place as you drive by or any where you go…
So this is the new code is how things are done and I am like what is going on the entire country is regressing and now going to woman sexually harassing men…