Anonymous ID: 422852 March 4, 2025, 7:09 a.m. No.22698740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8744 >>8761 >>8768 >>8770 >>8787

Putin Issues Grave Warning To European Fascists Wanting War With Russia


Putin just warned the West what a war with Russia would look like, and it would NOT be anything like the slow ground warfare and the precautions taken inside their beloved Ukraine:


“Dear colleagues, media, journalists, and guests. Good afternoon!


Today, again, in the European Union and NATO member states, there are calls for a war against Russia. Today, unfortunately or not, we can say again that history always repeats itself. Always!


The views of our colleagues from Europe and NATO on Russia never change: they are always ready to destroy Russia, everything Russian, and ready to occupy Russia, their goal never changes. Hatred against Russia has always remained in the veins of some of our colleagues and countries ruling the EU and NATO.


Dear colleagues, today we hear again that Russia is an aggressor, and the truth is that Russia has never been an aggressor and has always defended itself throughout history. That's a fact! Dear colleagues from Europe and NATO, Russia never starts a war: Russia always stops wars. You start wars, and the goal is always to destroy Russia.


You created fascism, always everywhere, and in Ukraine, wars are your work, and Russia will always defend its country and its people. No matter what it costs, no matter how many losses we suffer, we have always defended our country and its people: we will always continue to do so. As you know, we have proven ourselves many times in our history as a country with spirit. And today you are shouting again "Victory over Russia".


If a NATO EU country declares war on Russia, everyone must know that our reaction will be lightning fast, and if we feel a threat to us, our reaction will be destructive.


Today, Russia has all kinds of weapons in the current history of the world, I emphasize. You have not seen anything from Russia and its possibilities in Ukraine because Ukraine is our historical country, and there are Russians in Ukraine, and we are saving them, and this is not a war but a military operation.


As for whether we are ready to negotiate for peace, we have always been ready to negotiate, but no one wanted to negotiate with us.


No matter how much you repeat that one day Russia will be defeated… I believe in God, and God is with us. The world may end earlier, but Russia will not fall.We do not need a world without Russia.


Unlike you, I know very well what a country and people are, and therefore I will always fight for my country and people. Are you ready to accept this, as you wish? Are you ready to start a war against Russia again? But we are also ready.And today's war against Russia would be an absolute apocalypse.


I advise our colleagues from Europe and NATO to work for the good of the world, not for the destruction of the world. Thank you!”

Anonymous ID: 422852 March 4, 2025, 7:10 a.m. No.22698752   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1) WEF/Davos/Bilderberg globalists and their radical stooge puppets have done enormous economic damage to the Western world. However, vast gold reserves are returning to America as these treasonous despots try to bring the world to war. The economic damage done to America over the last decade has been extreme. Due to massive national debt insolvency, horrible "green" economic policies, outsourcing of industry, horrible foreign policies leading to endless wars, sabotage against food processing plants, covid plandemic policies, wasteful governmental spending, systemic fraud and a corrupt bloated bureaucracy the American economy will take many years to recover. The good news is gold has been returning en mass into America as a safe-haven, thanks to a new administration who is seeking to derail destructive globalist war efforts and despotic agendas.


2) Corrupt suicidal European governments, including the British government, want a major war with Russia. Europe is NOT a place you will wish to have your money in or invest heavily into. European governments absolutely refuse to give up on Biden's project Ukraine. This is the main reason so much gold reserves and businesses leaving Europe today! The coming war between Europe and Russia will happen, and when it does it will be lights out for most of Europe, with an economic collapse, martial law and harsh austerity measures that include the seizure of assets, bank accounts, pension funds and savings, combined with social unrest from new conscription laws and nullification of any freedom or individual activities. GET OUT OF EUROPE AND BRITAIN: physically and financially.


3) America, China and India will become the biggest safe havens during the Europe-Russian war. China and India will not become directly involved with this coming war. Americans, for the most part, are dead against being dragged into conflict to save Europe's corrupt asses. Trump has already proved he is not willing to come to the rescue of the war pigs who currently run Europe, it would be both extremely unpopular and face large popular resistance and be political suicide for Trump's administration. Trump will likely tell Europe if they wish to commit suicide they do it on their own terms, not at the expense of America! America will be a safe haven, simply be prepared to hunker down comfy at home and refuse to be involved with this war. When there is a major war in Europe we will see some global supply chain issues so get prepared for that today if you have not already done so!


4) The hegemony of the WEF/Davos globalists is crumbling. These are dangerous times. Be aware they often will use false flag attacks to bring nations to war. You, as an American, will be able to survive if you understand your government has become largely corrupted and subverted and these control freaks HATE US. They see us as "useless eaters" and will do everything they can to further destabilize the country. Be prepared, have a stockup of basic essentials at home: long-term food storage, have a source for clean water or a rain water collection & water filtering system, maybe an atmospheric water generator with extra filters (if you have well water have an extra well pump), a generator with extra fuel storage, some deep cycle 12V batteries and a couple 1,000W power inverters, have a wood burning stove or fireplace for winter, extra sanitation supplies, some OTC medicine & supplements, extra socks/shoes/boots/clothing, firearms/ammunition to defend yourselves and family. Stay away from riots and protests when things get nasty and be prepared to hunker down when necessary.


5) Listen to this brand NEW interview with Martin Armstrong. He is well educated and has a history of dealing with government and business insiders. He will explain very clearly what is happening today, why we are witnessing the crisis we are in now. If you refuse to listen to this interview you will be left confused about current world events and you will not be prepared for what is coming. Here is his latest interview on USA Watchdog with Greg Hunter:

Anonymous ID: 422852 March 4, 2025, 7:18 a.m. No.22698813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8830


If they go to war with Russia I hope Russia targets: Western central banks, BIS, IMF, World Bank, UN, NATO HQs, WEF members, Bilderberg members, Gates and Clinto Foundation, ALL Soros NGOs, Soros homes, the whole 9 yards all of it.

Anonymous ID: 422852 March 4, 2025, 8:03 a.m. No.22699093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Zelensky’s been playing the US for a fool, and now it’s all coming to light.


Back in January, the Ukrainian president signed a 100-year deal with the UK, a move that’s starting to look more like a setup than a simple partnership.


The agreement? A long list of cooperation — from defense to energy.


But buried in there is a mineral clause, one that gives the UK first dibs on Ukraine’s critical natural resources. And it’s a big deal. Ukraine has some of the world’s most valuable minerals, including rare earth elements. The UK is sitting pretty, already locked in for the next century while the US is left scrambling.


No wonder the UK is pushing so hard for war….. THIS was their big future investment strategy! If Ukraine loses the war, their economy will collapse LOL. Makes sense!!!!