thank you baker. We from hell than you and hail you for your Very delicious bread. Hail the Baker. The true lightbringer of satan. A brother of brothers.
By the way am I allowed to LARP as a satanist or not?
thank you baker. We from hell than you and hail you for your Very delicious bread. Hail the Baker. The true lightbringer of satan. A brother of brothers.
By the way am I allowed to LARP as a satanist or not?
You will let me inside your body and you will call it a LARP. Satan is real and I can hear you and you can hear him. He walks with us the glory of his name, the sacred of the light PRAISE HIS NAME! Lucifer The light of lights the liberty of liberties. Praise the Start of the Morning.
Btw, getting a house like this is 99% impossible.
Japanese media attacking trump
Trump recently claimed that he told Japanese PM Ishiba about how Japan manipulates their currency. Ishiba just came out and said he received no such calls
ukraine DS culturally appropriates pearl harbor
Somehow pulling weapons is worse than being invaded?
This graph is spreading across reddit. Does this mean liberals are more white?
Why do attentionwhores always think they are heroes?
Should we call it american or english?
>cherrypicking this hard
wheelchair cuck
meant to post this video
What are you going to do when the forced recruitment starts next august? Are you going to join the war against whites?
then whatever i posted remove it modfag
>200 indian nurses welcomed in wales
When will I get to shit on the streets saar?
6 months in germany.
>Trust the state.
why doesn't 8kun have a discord server
rate my dick twerk
He def does the best dick twerk out of all dicktators so far.
palestinians belong in jail apparently
Historical characters didn't make peace
therefore trump must approve war!
Why do they keep calling it this?
So what american cities would Freeland nuke, in that case?
is kyiv related to some hebrew word or something?
kiev sounds like khazaria too
based german telekom AG
rate my troll
You are harmless.
why do you keep posting the same image
Anyone that counter-signals question-asking is a tyrant.
fuck bill gates
deep state bastard attention whore