In the study where a woman was cured (for over two years seizure and meds free, had a kid and normal life), it was purely a gut bacteria thing. Reason being: gut bacteria are the upstream synthesizers of neurotransmitters. Gut bacteria transplants are the cure. Keto can achieve the same thing but is hard to adhere to. In the 1920's they said if you did keto for 2 years you could go back to normal eating and be cured like 80% of the time. There are a couple reasons for this. Bacteriophages keep bad bacteria to a minimum, and with antibacteria meds and "super clean" births, there is a drastic reduction not just in bacteria types and numbers, but also bacteriophages. Bacteriophages are like the wolves that keep the deer population in check.
A gut bacteria transplant is the cure, because it introduces not only a stable gut biome, but also these bacteriophages.
In any situation where someone has epilepsy they should check their environment, specifically their WATER SOURCE.