Trudeau is busy re-writing history: '[Russia] NEVER wished Americans well'
Factcheck: Russia helped US since 1776
Russian Empress Catherine the Great firmly OPPOSED the British naval blockade of the 13 colonies and continued to trade, despite military threats from the UK
britain and germany have never. been our friend
do it
it makes sense that the rottenbergs, i mean battenbergs, i mean. mountbattens have wanted russia and america to be enemies so that they could profit off of the narrative
britain hired the bolsheviks to take out the romanovs
britain hired the hessians to fight against us in the revolutionary war
britain hired hitler to takeover europe and the plan was russia too
britain is run by germans
mary queen of scotts was the true heir to the throne but elizabeth had her imprisoned and then executed, a false king sits on the throne of england
britain had jfk and rfk assassinated
britain assassinated patton