VPJDV last month, POTUS yesterday, mentioned reagan, so keeping visible for new eyes. ‘Ds’ HEEL, “Rs” FACE. Do NOT try telling any reasonably sane person that "great communicator" spoke better than man in VID1 (2:48 c.1987) & VID2 (4:23 c.1980) has BEEN doing, exactly the same, for over FOUR DECADES. Castrated NWO ’Kinder and gentler’ (bush1) + ‘Politically Correct’ (bush2) pussifying brainwashing sealed The GOAL.
The taxation of Social Security began in 1984 following passage of a set of Amendments in 1983, which were signed into law by Reagan in April 1983 https://archive.is/jxmJi www.ssa.gov/history/reports/gspan.html
Study:1986 Reagan Amnesty Invited a Surge of Immigration, Terrorism, Fraud The last widespread amnesty, signed by Reagan in 1986, invited a surge of immigration to the United States, allowed terrorists to stay in the country, and inflated fraud, according to a new study https://archive.is/jwZ5G
IRAN VID3 (00:50) Feb., 2017 Alan Dershowitz: “Ronald Reagan made a deal with the Iranians about the hostages release before he was elected https://inteltoday.org/2017/02/16/harvards-alan-dershowitz-just-confirmed-october-surprise-conspiracy-theory/ …began to recognize a curious pattern in the events surrounding the 1980 election… individuals associated with the Reagan-Bush campaign of 1980 met secretly with Iranian officials to delay the release of the American hostages until after the Presidential election. For this favor, Iran was rewarded with a substantial supply of arms from Israel… https://archive.is/M7BB https://irp.fas.org/congress/1992_cr/h920205-october-clips.htm CONTRA
Media Consolidation https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/01/19/439135/-Media-Consolidation-brought-to-you-by-Reagan-and-Clinton 1985: Guidelines for minimal amounts of non-entertainment programming are abolished… FCC guidelines on how much advertising can be carried per hour are eliminated…1987: Fairness Doctrine eliminatedhttps://archive.is/eoGjt
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 Under 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 – Standards of responsibility: Paragraph (b), which addresses “Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings” states, “(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after Oct.1,1988. https://archive.is/jLHoy AND how about Mental Institution Closures and a PLAN for the RESULTS of?
Franklin cover-up the use of the Franklin Credit Union in the 1980s by a top GOP official to launder money used for the trafficking of children, including orphans from Boy's Town, for purposes of sexual molestation. The scandal involved the Reagan and Bush White Houses. Wash.Times https://archive.ph/F38DU This was the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the U.S.A. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it. https://archive.ph/eWhT7 *DENNIS HASTERT, kek
Vid4 (2:12) SAG prez,1947 Hearings on Communists in Pedowood (full https://archive.ph/1AMh9) I would hesitate to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology…I do not believe the communists have ever at any time been able to use the motion picture screen as a sounding board for their philosophy or ideology.
Spreading the Red Stain: The Communist Infiltration of Hollywood: archive.is/c30tDAhead ofWorld War II, many members of the Communist Party of Germany…headed for the United States. After their arrival, many writers and filmmakers joined the ranks of American Communist Party groups. This gave rise to popular front movements supporting Soviet infiltration of art and culture venues and the penetration of political institutions in themid-1930s. Paul Robeson & Co.; Bella Dodd, Manning Johnson, PATTON & McCarthy laugh at the WORK which was the “cold war”.