I will ask one last time. Please do not ignore me. Do we take the 90% putin gas deal or not?
seems like most anons were pro deal in the last thread.
The nordstream isn't related to us in anyway. Its on the other side of earth. Why are germans allowed to take russian gas but not US? Makes no sense.
I'm not sure I have a forum anymore since I'm not getting any certain answer on the gas question.
I do not know if anons are pro deal or not.
I take it seems like most anons are pro gas deal then. This will piss off NATO a lot. It will be the biggest scandal since the war started.
I'm going to sign it. We need the money.
Talking like that is not a good way to run a business. Calm down and be a little reasonable, don't be such leafy strawbrery.
But now you all know, before everyone! It was first mentioned on QR. I love you all my dear keyboard warriors! o7 Enjoy the tv.
Good point. I agree.