Cop Who Thought He Was Smoking Meth At The Station Accidentally Smokes Fentanyl And Almost Dies.
Cop Who Thought He Was Smoking Meth At The Station Accidentally Smokes Fentanyl And Almost Dies.
so you believe Flynn is working as a fake-opposition deep cover agent to protect the 0bama government, so he will be a central figure in being able to access any damning information and round-file it before it harms 0bama?
start by giving back the private land you stole from generational ranchers.
anything is possible
I hope Trump sends in the Marines to maintain order.
connected to epstein ABC is
A member of the Democratic Party, she is the first member of congress known to be congenitally blind in both eyes, and the first Muslim member from California and outside of the Midwestern U.S.[3][4]
During the tenure of Kamala Harris as San Francisco District Attorney, Simon led the creation of the city's Back on Track program for young adults charged with low-level felony drug sales.[13]
muh public 5D and private 5D Chess
this strategy is not unusual for Trump. He plays the public and the decision makers simultaneously
Trump gets "Fact-Checked" in Twitter/X Community Notes.
but if you received the vax, you could be emitting a bluetooth SSID, so even if you are naked you are identifiable.
Smartdust is an old secret tech. Probably in the vaccines now.
to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty to protect the most responsible and powerful guilty
two moar week
Trump backed off on "lock her up" then called her "Beautiful Hillary" It truly is a fake two-party scam/real one party rule.
return the private lands you stole from generational ranchers first.
Hey DOGE/Trump? How about returning the seized private land taken from U.S. citizens generational families?
0 arrests outside of low-level Ghislaine Maxwell
it's too late. many are lost forever all because of a fucking TV
massive cataclysmic change is possible. eggs needed to make an omelette shall be broken.
they psyop you with:
down is up, up is down
evil is good, good is evil
personal responsibility is bad, reliance on government is good.
war is peace and peace is war.
healthy foods are bad, pharma drugs are good.
and so it goes on and onโฆโฆ..
Almost always, when a private sector is given a government position; they in essence "become government". I never trust anyone in "government" Not because I'm some kind of kook, but because I have witnessed "big talk" before they are elected/appointed then inaction once they are in, so either they were 1. Lying 2. Unable to do what they promised, which makes them culpable if they do not alert us about it.
[C]astration before [D]ecapitation