Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 12:58 p.m. No.22701090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1103

queen elizabeth is descended from mary queen of scotts, and it is true that there were so many true heirs to the british throne that were assasinated, but n ow we have a germanic line of hessians mixed with windsors who were also germanic/???? so bascially all of europe is really germany

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 12:59 p.m. No.22701094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1236

The British Royal Family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor in 1917. The name change was made by King George V in response to anti-German sentiment during World War I.

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:02 p.m. No.22701106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1650

so bad guys were nessun dorma'd and either replaced with a clone or a double, like hillary, or killed off with an illness


the lessons learned are swept under the rug for national security's sake


a new world begins, a golden age, built on lies

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:06 p.m. No.22701123   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the world is what we make of it, its a living breathing interface, a matrix of living code


the Grand Designer allows us to create our own environment


but we now have painted a picture where we have no powers, maybe twenty or thirty policians run our country, make our laws, pick who sits in cabinet positions, we have no say any longer in what or how sensitive information like eppstein files or jfk rfk files are handled and released to general public


the only entity that has ever treated us like a peer was Q


no middlemen, no influencers gatekeeping information from us


just Q and anons


now if we are lucky we can vote in an X poll post what we would like our "leaders" to do




all in vain

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:16 p.m. No.22701160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1360

ill say now what i feared to say preelection


although i adore TRUMP and his family, esp melania, i feel betrayed


my betrayal is that i had no idea that small government somehow turns into gigantic data centers being built underground and energy energy energy harvests to create AI is the mission


and mars? wtf? and why is elon everywnerer now? what is he truly? ahriman? cuz thats what i think


i dont want a robotic world


and i hate the way they tout all these savings that DOGE found us, like its a god or something


cybertruck is ugly, there i said it


i dont want a robot tripping my house doing chores i can do myself, there i said it


i dont want to go to mars, id rather go to jupiter's moons or something, mars is where we came from after we destroyed it with nuclear wars


i havent seen hardly any of earth, and we are mismanaging it, and the people, that is the mission


and its not climate change, its in the digging up the earth and the tearing down of the forests instead of living in harmony with the beautiful Creation that was given us to caretake


we have so much more than what these crap politicians are planning for us in the next four years


im sick honestly of both sides


if they hadnt touted themselves so much like GODS, the cabinet is made of gods, i prob would embrace their altered plans a little more, but right now, i dont feel like they have Qs blessings


theres never a time Q mentions mars??


elon always sayiing the fermi paradox, the fermi paradox, the great filter, save consciousness blah blah blah, but hes destroying the small family unit role model and replacing it with ivf harems


i worked with a mormon girl who had 54 brothers and sisters and she hated it, and left the church


i voted for Trump for small government, replenishment of the Earth and GODS voice to be heard globally from the pulpit of the PResident of the United States


instead i get rev get rich paula?


i dunno, im know the other side of demonratz is worse of course, but isnt there a Q group? advanced alien morals and tech that extend from the Creators design and theme cuz tons of data storage centers to promote gigantic AI conglomerates is not what America should stand for


and Peace? what price Peace reagan once said…

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:21 p.m. No.22701187   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I want Tartaria not the ugly greyish metallic space visiions of mars that elon posts


all those wivers, and not one will speak the Truth to him and say some of his shit stinks?


no one says any of his plans is nothing less than genius




and for the record, MAGA is irritaing because all the women wear too much makeup and get too much plastic surgery, there i said it


now you know why im in EXILE

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:26 p.m. No.22701226   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i dont care how much you market it, its not even the same ghosts, the same spirit of jfks camelot


you cannot compare elons son to jfk jr, sorry, cant elons son be himself and be just as great? its all stupid AI marketing


you guys need to stop listening to it , the ai

Anonymous ID: 85fc46 March 4, 2025, 1:30 p.m. No.22701264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

they think we are stupid and that we cant see through clever marketing and wade through bullshit


as americans thats all we done for decades is navigate bullshit


we want a simpler government, run by the people, with our input, not elons vision or evn trumps, not any one man or womans vision, it should be a vision of the american people


how can we not figure this out before its too late?


i know im not alone in the fact the huge data center plans dampened by enthusian greatly for this administration, and the manner that the eppstein island and its clients have been treated and now protected is another bitterness to swallow


i feel like im living on the set of Lets Make A Deal FFS