spoken like a profiteering war monger.
the vauge 'you will see' comment.
I've read History. I have seen.
those who aren't cabal always want war. They don't want negotiation.
those who negotiate often get long lasting peace and union between people.
and then their memories are trashed for ages because THE CABAL Hates periods of peace, they can't profiteer and do their blood-feasts.
name calling - check
vauge statement of falsehood to try to cast doubt - check
no understanding of the heroes of history and the long lasting effects of honest and fair negotiations, freeing slaves, ending warfare, declaring peace - check
have fun in this life with your ill-gotten whatever it is. You can't take it with you when you go.
those who are cabal, it should say, always want war.
read history. I'm not going to say another word to you.