>inb4 749 posts of people saying TYB.
TYB. Based toaster.
>inb4 749 posts of people saying TYB.
TYB. Based toaster.
why are all these countries offering usa 100's of billions all of a sudden wtf is going on
qr predicted it before /pol/
some strange things posted today no joke
the $5K stuff was probably mentioned first on /qresearch/ wasn't it? A lot of spooky things happening here.
How? Does the tripcode work?
i don't know whats real anymore kek
What has he been doing all this time? Where is he?
He hasn't been on camera at all for several hours.
So this is what peak american power looks like
>A new thread every 5 minutes
Anthony M. Kennedy , supreme court retired
This is the most beautiful FLOTUS in the history of first ladies.
Watch and learn anon. This is what modern power looks like.
This is what real power looks like. Learn and imitate. Learn how to be political and talk like a politician. It will bring you power.
Look how they are sitting. It's like a chessboard.
Here we go guys. Everything is lagging kek
Absolute And Supreme World Power. This is it boys.
Wait didn't someone say something about nancy mason here tonight?
Of all the people in all of the audience, he kissed only nancy mason. What does it mean?
was nancy mentioned tonight or am I tripping kek
Its so weird seeing half the congress sitting and looking pissed off. Aren't the democrats to see USA succeeding? Can anything make them happy?