Sexy BCG's for Bakerman
She needs to TOGTFO
Patiently waiting for tonight's lulz
Didn't realize Will Smith grew a beard.
That's not how that works newfag.
Gandolph lost his hat brim on the way to Gondor it looks like.
Got to give the West Coast time get home and tune in.
Big Dollar Dan, The three-second delta man.
He's seeing AOC's tits up close for the first time.
This is the way it's always been done.
Gorgeous as always.
Lip reader anon is needed for lip reading.
How awesome would it be if Vance introduced a TOGTFO rule on the floor right now?
Boebert's looking hot tonight. Would.
Enter Sandman should be playing
I stand by my original remarks.
That's looks suspiciously like comms.
I nominate you.
Trips check't