She is a damn BABE!!!
Nan Nan is always fucking with her teeth. Like they're getting ready to fall out or something.
I know 5 year old toddlers who are more behaved than these democrat fucks.
The Fat Bastard.
"Gonna find out where that money is going and it's not going to be pretty"!!!
What is the woman's first name who's last name is Brooks, that is sitting next to Lutnick? Sh ewas appointed to something by our POTUS.
Thank you anon. Brooke Rollins is her name. Beautiful.
Love it when our POTUS trolls those fucks to his right!!!
My meme of a Skunk vomitting is on my other computer.
I saw it. JD giving those communist the eye. kek
Our FLOTUS is stunningly beautiful.
Would like to see a drop right about now.