Half the congress just sitting there pissed off.
But why are they so pissed off? America is bringing in 100's of billions and they are pissed off? Nothing can make them happy.
Half the congress just sitting there pissed off.
But why are they so pissed off? America is bringing in 100's of billions and they are pissed off? Nothing can make them happy.
Their duty is to make the american people successful and to be a representative to those that elected them. Their purpose gain in the congress isn't personal gain. Why can't they be happy for the people?
Nancy looks like she is afraid the troops are about to open fire kek
he looks like he is missing a few chromosomes.
Elon is looking for AOC kek
If memes have power this must realize. Make it happen. It will be the final kek.
Observe how glomo hobo faggo troono started spamming as soon as trump started talking about them.
How do we seduce 50% of the democrats to change side?
>tfw when you wanna clap but your party whip stands in the way
is it gas or minerals? Those were different things in star craft.
How do we pay them?
How about raising the salary for all members of congress by 10%. Would that be enough to convert a majority of dems?
this isn't serbia nigga
It's like the better it is for america, the more upset the dems get.
so how do we make them switch sides? We can't have 40% of the country working against the admin all the time.
<makes america trillions of dollars
>pay your taxes
She reminds me of those that complain on him playing golf.
Very funny. But do you have any real suggestions?
>uploading a 5mb image. Nigga wtf
8chan seriously needs to compress images better. No image should ever be larger than 1mb. It should compress on the client before it ever uploads. Fix it ron fag.