This is the uk now…
Not see it yet,,been trying to find a free a.i movie maker that's not shit…
I warned the bakers yesterday,,baking is just copy and paste to make a new thread,, if they don't sort it I'm taking over the cunts
Reality is Russia kicked USA and EU asses in Ukraine,,and trump can't do shit…
All USA weapons and money in Ukraine did shit
All EU money and weapons did shit
French soldiers dead
Uk soldiers dead
USA soldiers dead
There where covert forces in Ukraine,,,
Russia won
Fucking deal with it ,,,trump can not do anything,,,
He just talking a big game now,,,
But Russia kicked there ass…
Trump can't even stop the Epstein island pedo's
Trump can't stop the corruption in the senate
This is not a game ,,,call them out
Do not wait 2 more weeks
They fuck children
And want you to shut up…
Jam the FBI switch board
Spam there twitter
They work for the people
No retreat,,no surrender
They are protecting murderers and rapists.
Remind them of that
Not giving that cunt 1 single view,,,that makes it look like he is popular
You forgot to add the dead French,uk,USA covert troops
This trump thing is unbearable
The cunts are all clapping themselves
And no one's said anything yet…
My local representatives run from me
They can't answer my arguments
They fear me
Threaten me with arrest
I do not break the law,,and they cower
Like the low life scum they are…
Why does Kash not want to release Seth rich files.
Is Kash Patel Hillary clintons bitch
You wish he was ,,,but the Democrats can steal,rape and murder…
Your so called king has done fuck all
Not one in prison
Your king has a limp dick…
You fucking liar
We want rapists arrested
We want senate members that are stealing and corrupt arrested
You are the one pretending to be a anon…
Fuck off you fucking rapist protector
Did you fuck kids as well ????
Why would you not want child fuckers arrested
Show us your hard drive….
They want us to shut up
About their corruption
About Epstein island
About Seth rich
About Adam Schiff
About chuck
About Pocahontas
They want to silence you…
4 chan capture was a way to stop truth being posted
It sucked ,,it ruined 4 chan ffs
I have a plan,,, kick in every fucking in the world and fucking search,,,using the military instead of fighting wars,,,,..
I don't mind no kids in my house….
Easy to find the missing kids
Kick in every fucking door
Searching for the kids
Use the military for something useful
You are only against this ,,,,if you hiding kids
The age has nothing to do with it
Does not matter what program language you use.
The age is irrelevant
None are right,,,,find your brain
Calm the fuck down,,I agree
But you are attacking tips because you are pissed off
But reality is you are all on the same side fighting against tax theft…