Did anyone notice 4chan has child porn ads on /pol/
I posted it in here showing people the ad( which has no nudity btw. And the admins here banned it for CP. Jim personally controls the ads.
Jim stated under penalty of perjury he posts and picks the ads.
Yeah baking is easy, especially when you don’t put 48 notables for every bread. It’s supposed to be notable stories related to Q drops that show Q proofs. For some Eason it’s all main stream articles and clown social media personalities like Jack Posobiec and Ian Carroll. They put the people that censor us in the notables.
The bakers are not going to change, they are deep state and they will have to be thrown overboard.,
The Plan = Israel Fucked.
We need the censorship ended. Can’t call people out while your federal agencies are still censoring anons.
They know, Stacy.
Russia kicked the ass of the CIA and EU?
Yeah but when they ban IPs for child porn here, they quickly reverse the ban and the child porn continues to be posted when specific admins are active in the site
I have you a reason for 4chan being frozen. Are you stupid? Child porn ads?
What about the John Podesta invite link to a George Soros 85th birthday party posted with a naked child? It’s still in archives… on 4plebs.
You can click the link without viewing the image in the archives.
On 4plebs you search “eventkingdom” and they you have it, child trafficking proof of podesta and Soros and Clinton’s
It’s all run by the same people. The chans is where the pedos flock to, to trade their imagery. We know a global admin is deleting shit here because Q posted in another board and when admins here found out, they went to the other board and deleted it.
These admins are not just QR admins, they are global admins.
They do not report CP to law enforcement and they instead cover it up and dismiss all reports about it.
If the admins were doing what they are supposed to do, the child poem would have all been reported to authorities, the posters tracked and identified, and they wouldn’t be posting here anymore. Since that isn’t happening we know the admins are involved in child porn distribution.
They are the least transparent people on the face of the planet. They’re always covering things up. Every time you catch them doing something they delete you exposing it.
Anonymous are not Anons. Anonymous are CIA pretend hackers.
No fucking boomers have no idea how computer technology work. Hillary is an arrogant retard who used to have a position of power.
I sent Ron and Jim the IP range to block and they didn’t do shit
You’re not anon, idk why you keep posting that image like that sentiment is ever going to change.
Anons type using English. “Guud” is not English. You are not anon.
What kind of dumbass response is that? It shows they don’t give a fuck about stopping child porn posters.
Only Jack Posobiec says GM every morning. Fuck off clown.
they block other people using the same vpn services? That’s all horseshit. Block the IPs until the CP is gone. You’re not fooling anyone. People have degrees in computer fields and you can’t lie to me.
Clown is filtered
Anons don’t use VPNs, they don’t matter, you’re not protecting yourself m from anything. When you cry about VPNs I already know you’re shill.
Nothing is good when people can’t spell good the right way.
Clowns misspell words to send comms to each other and anons don’t misspell anything intentionally. It’s easy to spot clowns saying shit like “guud” “habbening” instead of good and happening.