Celine Dion died?
After experiencing explosive reactions at forums, I’ve posited that the better way forward is to work on a Jones Act 2.0 to create a Golden Age of American Maritime Commerce. There is the nice sounding, “SHIPS for America Act” introduced in 2024 and seems to have strong bi-partisan support.
As we’ve learned though - be very suspicious of nice sounding pieces of legislation. This proposed legislation is noble, but misses the mark on numerous key factors. But that is gist for another post. To address the Jones Act, what is needed is a triggering event to change the current dynamic where the largest economy in the world has only 80 U.S. Flag merchant vessels among the 10,000 or so merchant vessels of the world.
If you’ve lived in Hawaii or Alaska or have relatives there, you know the outrageous price of everything - a large causal factor is the Jones Act. The Hawaiian Rum Company has filed a lawsuit challenging the Jones Act, citing Constitutional violations. I don’t drink or endorse drinking, but the Hawaiian Rum Company may have the case that will finally allow sane and rational discussions on changes and updates to the Jones Act that will help spark a Golden Age of American maritime trade dominance.
They thought it was coming yesterday.