Kek wills it. Anons must focus their maximum potential shitposting focus across all platforms to manifest this union.
Did I miss a meeting where this gatekeeping anal wart was appointed as the spokesfag for Night Shift? You're a Dollar General OSS. KYS immediately and often.
Why not both?
Keks in Blacklist.
If it involves farting in the mouth of the fake Night Shift fag, it's a deal.
An eagle with a bowling ball is fucking terrifying.
Always in the hearts of anons.
Not really a bad idea. Declare a National Emergency, draft all recently fired Federal employees, recall Miley, Austin, Mattis, et all (at the rank of 2nd Lt) and throw them into the meatgrinder they everyone else's kids to jump into.
How will Rupert Murdoch make money selling dick pills and car insurance if that happens?
Why are there no pics of FDR rollerblading?
She's pretty
Let's see what happens.
Nothing better than seeing your brain babies in the wild.
Kek'd and chek't
NATO. Now stop gobbling bread. Some of us are trying to shitpost.