Yeah, last nite was the end of the Dem/Communist party
These “adults” acted like grade schoolers
Very embarrassing
Yeah, last nite was the end of the Dem/Communist party
These “adults” acted like grade schoolers
Very embarrassing
Just watching the speech last nite. The Dem/commies sitting on their hands very telling and childish
Seems very “political” to release such a ruling
Judicial Branch trying to run Executive branch?
Just means congress has to act to end it, moar of a “procedural” thing…..government employees start tossing around “rules and regulations” when their honeypot is threatened
Meme of the year so far.
So bitter and angry she didn’t completely destroy America
Where did all these old communists come from?
Looking a lot like Globalism in a different package
Open borders aren’t a good idea at all, so make the World one gigantic country